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Estrogen dominance. Imbalances of the sex hormones can cause someone with hyperthyroidism to gain weight. Estrogen dominance is the main culprit, and while hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives can be factors in some people, one of the biggest factors is exposure to xenohormones.
How can you tell if you have estrogen dominance? Getting back to estrogen, salivary testing measures the free form of this hormone, and another option is doing a urinary test for estrogen. Poor diet. However, certain foods are more likely to cause weight gain than others. For example, eating a lot of refined carbohydrates and sugars can be a big factor in gaining weight. And one of the main reasons for this is because such a diet is likely to increase insulin levels, and over time it can lead to a condition such as insulin resistance, which as discussed below, is commonly associated with weight gain.
Chronic stress and high cortisol levels. There is evidence that chronic stress and high cortisol levels can play a role in obesity 1 2. Although inflammation is a factor with every autoimmune condition, everyone has different amounts of inflammation. However, there are other inflammatory markers that can be measured such as calprotectin, lactoferrin, lysozyme, and secretory IgA.
On the other hand, if one or more of these markers come out positive then this is a sign of moderate to severe inflammation, and sometimes this can be a factor in weight gain. For example, in my experience, someone with very high TSI levels is more likely to have one or more positive inflammatory markers. I will also add that those with higher TSI levels are more likely to have thyroid eye disease , and in the literature there is a correlation between Graves ophthalmopathy and obesity 3.
Insulin resistance. This relates to diet and inflammation, as what happens is that the insulin levels remain high, and the cells become resistant to the effects of insulin. Jason Fung, who is a nephrologist. This means that thyroid hormone also affects your basal metabolic rate. In most cases, excess thyroid hormone is associated with a high basal metabolic weight.
This also means that not producing enough thyroid hormone is usually associated with a low basal metabolic rate. Therefore, hypothyroidism underactive thyroid can cause weight gain.
But your metabolism is affected by a lot more than just thyroid hormone. Other hormones, how much and what you eat, your physical activity, and many other factors play a role. Some people with hyperthyroidism might experience weight gain instead of the more common weight loss.
Some reasons why that might happen include:. Hyperthyroidism usually increases your appetite. Make sure you eat healthy foods, get regular exercise, and work with a doctor on a nutrition plan. These steps can all help combat weight gain from an increased appetite. Hyperthyroidism is an abnormal state for your body.
Treatment brings your body back to its normal state. Because of this, when you lose weight from hyperthyroidism, you might gain some weight back after you start treatment.
Your body starts making less thyroid hormone than it was before. Some weight gain from treatment is usually fine, especially if you lost a lot of weight before treatment. You may need to readjust your calorie intake as your treatment takes effect. If the side effects of treatment, including weight gain, are intolerable to you, your doctor can help you find a new treatment.
If the person does not increase the amount of calories eaten to match the excess calories burned, then there will be weight loss. As indicated earlier, the factors that control our appetite, metabolism, and activity are very complex and thyroid hormone is only one factor in this complex system. Nevertheless, on average the more severe the hyperthyroidism, the greater the weight loss observed.
Weight loss is also observed in other conditions where thyroid hormones are elevated, such as in the toxic phase of thyroiditis see Thyroiditis brochure or if the dose of thyroid hormone pills is too high for a patient. Since hyperthyroidism also increases appetite, some patients may not lose weight, and some may actually gain weight, depending on how much they increase their caloric intake.
Because hyperthyroidism is an abnormal state, we can predict that any weight loss caused by the abnormal state would go away when the abnormal state is reversed. This is indeed what we find. On average, any weight lost during the hyperthyroid state is regained when the hyperthyroidism is treated. Weight gain can even occur when there was little or no weight loss because patients may have gotten used to eating more calories because of the extra energy expenditure during hyperthyroidism.
Since the BMR in the patient with hypothyroidism see Hypothyroidism brochure is decreased, an underactive thyroid is generally associated with some weight gain. The weight gain is often greater in those individuals with more severe hypothyroidism.
However, the decrease in BMR due to hypothyroidism is usually much less dramatic than the marked increase seen in hyperthyroidism, leading to more modest alterations in weight due to the underactive thyroid. Since the thyroid gland controls the body's metabolism, an overactive thyroid puts the body into overdrive. The symptoms of an overactive thyroid can be subtle and suggest any number of other health problems, ranging from a bowel problem to heart disease or a mental health issue. Some of the signs and symptoms of an overactive thyroid include:.
If you notice these symptoms, call your doctor and ask about having your thyroid tested. Left untreated, an overactive thyroid can cause other health problems, such as an increased risk for osteoporosis and potential heart trouble.
To gain a greater understanding of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, as well as how your thyroid works, buy Thyroid Disease , a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School. As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content.
Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.
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