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You are wise to ask yourself what reward does your puppy receive by digging! The answer to this question is your clue to deter her digging. I encourage you to spend some time discovering the positive reinforcement your puppy gains from her digging.
Your job is to change this positive reinforcement to a correction. If you are thinking this a difficult task you are correct! It is honestly easier to solve the behavior issues that prevent you from leaving your puppy indoors than to solve outdoor behavior issues. The reason for this is that most pups consider the yard to be their territory, not yours. Another reason is that because your pup is often outdoors alone there is no one around to direct her activities!
As we move on to possible behavior modification techniques I invite you to remember this simple truth. You are the one who chose to bring an animal into your life- never be surprised when an animal behaves like an animal! These deterrents are usually not sufficient to deter instinct driven digging. Sneak into the yard and liberally sprinkle the holes with a substance that your pup might not enjoy:.
Remember that your puppy will put her nose down as she begins to dig! Please ask your Veterinarian about the safety of any substance that you choose to use as a deterrent!
This stops some pups from digging but teaches other pups to dig in new places. Visit a sporting goods store to purchase two or three Boat Horns.
The horn is compressed air in a can that emits a loud sound as you depress a button. Watch your puppy from inside your house. As you see her start to dig open a window and sound the horn.
The sudden sharp noise is likely to send your pup running from her digging activity. Please keep in mind that using sound to frighten your puppy may cause her to become afraid of loud noises such as fireworks and thunder. Use sound corrections sparingly! I suspect that this only really caused the pup to abandon that particular hole. Since the clients believed it worked you are certainly welcome to try it for yourself!
Tired pups do not dig - they sleep. A brisk morning walk being sure to include training before leaving your pup in your yard will do wonders. An alternative would be teaching your pup to safely walk on your treadmill. This type of fence is very effective for deterring the freedom seeking pup that is trying dig under fences and walls.
Basically, a wire is buried underground around areas that you do not want your pup to go. Your pup wears a collar that beeps to warn her that she is approaching the forbidden area. You will need to teach her that to avoid the electronic correction that follows the beep she needs to move away from the forbidden area! You will be wise to have a pest control company examine your yard for things like moles. Dog doors are the best way to tell your pup that she owns both the house and the yard!
I do not have a dog door nor do I ever imagine a situation when I will have one. I want my own pups to understand that I pay the mortgage, therefore the house and yard belong to me! I am happy to allow them to enjoy both with my blessings and permission. I hope that if you use a dog door that you do not have any destructive issues either in your house or yard.
Are you tired of stepping in holes, and turning your ankle? If you a garden-proud dog owner you may get annoyed with your dog but if you take the time to look more closely you will find good reasons for this behavior and you can even get a closer insight into what is going on in the mind of your dog.
The following are some of the reasons why your dog is digging in the garden. Dogs come by their love of digging holes naturally. Wild dogs store food by digging a hole and burying it.
They also dig out big holes or dens for their puppies. Some dogs really get into digging holes. Terriers, hounds, and retrievers, in particular, are known for their digging abilities. In fact, terriers were bred to dig animals out of holes. All dogs have an inbred instinct to dig, but some do seem to take it to an extreme. The root of most dog behavior problems is boredom.
Dogs are meant to be outside, running in the woods and fields. Instead, we keep them in the house, or out in the yard for hours on end, without much to do.
Does your dog spend most of his time by himself? In the wild, canines are social animals who live in packs. A lot of dog behavior problems are caused by putting our pets in an unnatural situation and expecting them to be happy. A dog with nothing to do will find a way to occupy himself.
Digging holes in your yard is one way he keeps himself busy. Dogs love stimulation and they do get frustrated when on their own for long periods. Part of the answer, as to why a dog will dig, lies in their sexuality. Female dogs have a natural tendency to dig a shelter for their young. The other day I arrived home with a bone for my dog and she buried it immediately. I thought it was strange at first but then I discovered that dogs do this with surplus food to keep their living area clean and to keep scavengers from coming around.
You may find your dog digging when the weather gets hot outside. Remember that they will feel a lot hotter than us as their whole body is covered with fur. Dogs simply love to explore their environment and will gladly spend endless hours nosing around their environment looking for adventure.
Here are a few reasons your dog might be digging:. They could be digging due to a predatory instinct, which is particularly true in dog breeds with a high prey drive. Terriers are notorious for digging because they also tend to have a high prey drive and urge to chase. A dog digging because of this might be chasing moles, groundhogs, etc.
If your dog is digging in order to bury something, like bones or toys, it could also be related to a predatory instinct. Similar to squirrels hiding nuts, your dog could be attempting to hide food or valuables from predators or competitors. Dogs may also dig due to a nesting instinct.
Dogs like to nest and have a comfortable, secure place, so they may be digging in order to create that for themselves. This can be particularly true if your dog is pregnant. When digging is instinctual, it can be very difficult to stop because it is a natural behavior. You can also try designating a special place in the yard where your dog can dig freely to help control the digging and contain it in that area.