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In general, this passing reference is not explained by the writer, so only readers who are familiar with the referenced work tend to notice it. Writers use allusion in literature for a variety of different reasons. In some cases, a literary reference is used simply because it already communicated what the writer wants to say better than he could have himself.
In most cases, though, writers make allusions because of the many emotions or ideas that readers may associate with the works to which the writer alludes. Biblical allusions are among the most common types of allusion in literature. An allusion is a brief, indirect reference that is made to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical, cultural. Allusions function a lot like symbolism; they allow writers to express complex ideas and emotions in a simplified way by drawing comparisons.
Because of this, allusions can play a big role in developing themes and motifs, or the bigger idea behind a story. Or, sometimes, they simply help to develop imagery and vivid descriptions.
Hyperion had a head of curls, Jove a prominent forehead, and Mars was the god of war. In the classic tale of Moby Dick , the 19th-century whaling ship is named Pequod. Back when this was published, the general public would have been familiar with the Native American tribe called the Pequod, which was almost driven to the extinction during the Pequot War of — Why do writers use filipinisms?
Why do you use the word allusion? How would you use allusion in a sentence? Why do writers make use of pathos? Who use the similes? Is a muscled ribbon an allusion? Why do writers use the plot mountain? How do you use allusion in a sentence? Trending Questions. Give me food and I will live give me water and I will die what am I? What is bigger than an asteroid but smaller than Mercury and farther from the sun than Neptune? Still have questions?
Find more answers. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. Who was the supreme commander in the olive branch petition? Do people normally write the letter "O" clockwise or counter-clockwise? In fiction, it is an excellent way to show, not tell in your writing. If you write any type of mystery or crime thriller novel, allusion may help the audience piece together the story while they read.
Allusion has many practical applications. Whether you are writing a novel or writing an editorial news article, there actually are a lot of benefits to using this literary style in your writing! Stronger Connection to Your Audience: When your audience is able to catch a reference you make, they will automatically feel connected to a greater sense of you as a writer, your characters, and even an entire community or culture.
It Builds Authority and Trust: When you refer to something indirectly that is common about a certain topic or industry, it can show to your audience that you are knowledgeable and experienced. Being able to suggest different references shows familiarity with a topic.
Add Meaning and Symbolism: Using indirect hints in your writing can help give your work added meaning and symbolism. In the Martin Luther King example we shared above, alluding to The Gettysburg Address makes the work all that more powerful.
Works for a Variety of Writing Styles: This type of literary device can be used for almost any type of writing style. If you are writing a news opinion piece, allusion can help connect your readers to a greater cause. If you are writing a descriptive essay, the use of allusion can help your readers better visualize the scene.
Allusion can also work very well for comedy — many comedic pieces rely on subtle suggestions for the audience to notice. This means you want to allow your readers to feel and visualize the scene — not tell them exactly what is happening.