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Why clomid if i already ovulate - tfl

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Clomid was originally developed for treatment of anovulation. The medication will often induce ovulation in women that do not develop and release an egg ovulate on their own, such as in women with polycystic ovaries. Clomid is also frequently used to stimulate extra follicles develop in the ovaries of women that already ovulate without medications.

Clomid, Serophene, or clomiphene citrate generic name is a medication that is commonly used for the treatment of infertility. It is often used to attempt to induce ovulation in women that do not develop and release an egg ovulate on their own. In these cases the hope is that there will be an improvement in the chance for getting pregnant by increasing the number of follicles developing in the ovaries — and therefore the number of eggs releasing.

This is called controlled ovarian hyperstimulation or superovulation. It is best to have intercourse on the day of ovulation if possible. Some women will prefer to use ovulation predictor kits which are urine tests that the woman can do at home.

These kits are designed to detect the presence of the LH surge in the body. The LH surge in the blood begins approximately 36 hours before ovulation. The ovulation prediction test is usually done in the mornings. Sex on the day it turns positive or the next morning is best for fertility. In many women, the menstrual cycle is lengthened somewhat by Clomid. This is only a temporary effect while on the medication. Clomid cycles on the average are a few days longer than the average menstrual cycle length in the same woman without Clomid.

Ovulation is usually about 14 days prior to the start of the next menstrual period. The higher level of FSH stimulates one or more follicles to develop each containing a single egg.

As the follicles grow, they secrete estradiol into the bloodstream. About a week after the last dose of CC is taken, the higher levels of estradiol cause the pituitary to release an LH surge.

The LH surge causes the egg s in the dominant follicle s to be released. It is important to determine whether the dose of CC given results in ovulation.

So basically, It is a drug that is used to stimulate follicle growth in order to induce ovulation. If you are a momma who ovulates regularly, this will be used in order to help stimulate further growth of the follicles in order to ensure that you are ovulating and to help hopefully stimulate extra follicles to possibly release more than one egg per cycle thus increasing chances for pregnancy. Clomid is normally taken for 5 days at the beginning of your cycle.

You will have to make sure you clarify with your doctor what days of your cycle they want you to take it. For example, my doctor instructed me to take it days , while some doctors may recommend days This is very important to clarify with your doctor before you take it.

It is extremely difficult to find statistics for women who do not have unexplained fertility and the success with Clomid for IUI. However, I do not know the source of their information. A study by Guzick D , et al: Efficacy of treatment for unexplained infertility. Fertility and Sterility ; So the hopeful part of me thinks that the Clomid probably increases those chances but this is hopeful, not necessarily fact-based and you should be consulting your doctor to hear what they have to say about this.

Increased Chances for Multiples: If you want multiples, Clomid can increase those chances. Good luck to you! Yes, it is quite common to go on Clomid when you ovulate on your own. It is often the first course of action a doctor will try if a woman is not conceiving naturally and everything else seems to check out. Like your doctor said, it can strengthen weak ovulation, lengthen the luteal phase, and it can also produce more than one follicle which gives the sperm more "targets" to hit so to speak and which is also why it raises your risk of multiple births.

I was put on Clomid after 8 failed IUIs. Unfortunately, it caused my body to NOT ovulate, even though I do ovulate naturally. My RE added a second dose in the same cycle and that did make me ovulate, but I did not get pregnant and we moved on to IVF.

In fact, you will not find many success stories here -- we are all still trying; that is why we are here. Try the Pregnant After IF board if you want success stories. Clomid does work for many women. Yep, I have been on Clomid for all of my treatment cycles and I have no found issues at all and ovulate on my own. It helps with stronger ovulation and gives you the chance for more follicles as well. Log in.

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