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While I love all three classics, Cinderella has always stood out to me. And no it is not because of her ball gown although it is lovely.
Many criticize her for being weak and passive but she is not at all that. Also known as Snow and Aurora. But here is why Cindy is the best out of them all in my opinion.
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The Instigator. Do you like this debate? Report this Argument. Post a Comment. Showing 1 through 9 records. Report this Comment. Posted by polishgirlinar 13 years ago. She had nothing to her name, and then she had less than nothing. But Ella stayed true to herself and held on to her kindness no matter what wicked things her step family did to her and to those around her. Instead, she made the best out of the situation she was in and woke up every day with a smile on her face along with the cinder soot.
They tore her down everyday and she just kept coming back without showing any signs of defeat. Many people, in fiction and reality, become cruel and harsh when shown this level of abuse and neglect. Honestly, most super villains in fiction have backstories similar to hers and many serial killers in real life have had similar childhoods.
No one would have blamed Cinderella if she turned on her step-family, chopped them up, and fed their bloody corpse chunks to the farm animals. But Cinderella had so much kindness in her heart that everyone who crossed her path including the family that abused her and the animals that shared her attic home with her was met with nothing but love and warmth. She even made little clothes for the mice that lived in the walls of her home and gave them little names, too! Like Harry Potter and Matilda , Cinderella is a story about a young person who is stuck with a cruel family who uses and abuses them until they are able to escape the abuse and neglect with the help of a little magic.
These three stories all exist to send one beautiful and hope filled message to their audiences: it gets better. You will be appreciated and valued as a human being and life will be nothing more than wonderful. With a story as telling and brave as Cinderella's, why wouldn't she be your favorite princess? Ursula got stabbed with a boat, Maleficent got slayed hard, and Mother Gothel just freaking disintegrated like Rasputin. Jafar was cursed to eternal slavery and captivity, Dr.
Facilier got drug into the underworld by angry demons, Scar was torn to pieces by his own hench-hyenas, Gaston was hurled off the edge of a castle, Clayton got hung by a vine noose Like, Disney does not hold back on revenge. Although, Ella's "I forgive you" might be the most savage revenge of all as it's essentially showing how much better of a better person she is in the most condescending way.
Cinderella had no idea she was dancing with the prince. She just wanted to go to the ball with her family so that she could feel like she was part of something for once.
In historical terms, she would've been Rosie the Riveter of her medieval time. There was no man in sight in the household and she still got work done. Cinderella's home life experience is almost unheard of for the historical time it was originally set in.
An aristocrat's children were often married off to other nobles for financial gain and status. However, she is lowered to a peasant's status with the lifestyle she is held to by her stepmother. Essentially, her struggle becomes her strength because she uses her experience to learn how others have lived their entire lives.
Cinderella is relatable to modern ladies in the way that all she asked for was a chance to go out for the night and blow off some steam.
It only takes a simple scroll through Instagram on a Friday night to know that women who have their own lives just want to unwind at the end of the week. If they happen to meet Prince Charming, that's great, but they're there to find a good time, not a lifetime.
While a fairy godmother isn't going to come bless the rest of us with the perfect party dress and makeover, every woman can appreciate Cinderella's princess transformation.