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Evident proof of a universal conspiracy against you. Outsiders love to compare themselves to others. It doesn't matter who you choose as a benchmark more successful or less successful people , the result will not do you any good. If you compare yourself with someone very successful, then you will constantly feel pity for yourself. This is one of the most destructive human emotions, and it slows down a person's growth.
If, on the other hand, you prefer to compare yourself to someone who is far behind you, then you get an opportunity to make excuses for your inaction. To find an additional source of income, to learn a new language, to dare to give a compliment to a stranger — all these actions demand effort. It is much easier to find a weighty excuse and not make any attempts to change your life.
Many people like to complain about their misfortune, follow the opinion of others, change their convictions and goals a few times a day, or even give up on them because of the slightest difficulties.
A loser can be a vegetarian today, but tomorrow they might start judging those who don't eat meat because their bodies don't receive enough vitamin B Losers don't know how to build relationships with people around them, and they can even be arrogant to those who are at a lower social level.
This is why they say that if you want to reveal a person's real face, pay attention to how they communicate with service personnel. Outsiders live as if they have a spare life. The trendy term "procrastination" refers to more than daily chores like cleaning the house or washing. Losers always postpone things to fulfill their strivings to turn their lives into something very boring and dull. Losers know almost everything Ask any outsider how to bring a country to order and you will receive an exhaustive answer, even visualized if necessary.
They believe that they are right and are ready to argue forever. At the same time, their house will probably be upside down and dirty. It doesn't matter if discounted socks tear the very next day, or cheap grain has bugs inside it, or a cheap vacation turns out to be a disaster.
They keep on doing this year after year. Differences of opinions are natural, the world is full of points of view. A lack of tolerance for others or an inability to listen can be destructive to not just our own lives, but everyone around us as well as the societies we belong to. But the irony is that excessive pride or admiration for how you look or what you achieve is actually quite ugly and may even spill over into narcissism.
The more you feel the need to big yourself up, the chances are the more of a loser you feel deep down. I read that gossiping serves some kind of social function. Research has suggested it can stave off loneliness, facilitate bonding and act as a form of entertainment. Unkindness, meanness, or even cruelty towards other people, whether that is to their face or behind their back is pretty much just bullying.
Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy and our own behaviour is the most disrespectful that we tolerate — whether it is through destructive habits or unkind self-talk. Before writing this article, I was doing some research to see what qualities people thought were signs of being a loser. I noticed that quite a few viewed a lack of ambition or absence of goals as loser behaviour. I love the dreamers and doers who have big ideas and plans. If you have them, then great, go after them. But I think that many of us also feel pressured to accomplish things in life, in order to feel good enough.
Like we always should be working towards something momentous. Does that make you a loser? Chapter 35 October 15, Chapter 34 October 9, Chapter 33 July 13, Chapter 32 June 22, Chapter 31 April 7, Chapter 30 April 7, Chapter 29 April 7, Chapter 28 April 7, Chapter 27 April 7, Chapter 26 April 7, Chapter 25 April 7, As if it were simply bad luck.
Every time these people came back to me, there was always some urgent emergency and they needed money badly. I helped how I could, and was supportive of course with kind words and enthusiasm, but I came to see something happen every time. I spent much time sharing personal advice about how to improve their lives and yet, not once was any of my advice taken. Funny, all the Facebook comments and prayers and positive comments and sympathy seem to be welcome and responded to, but never anything truly meaningful is done about it.
Honest, intelligent, and sincere advice is a waste of time on those with the loser mentality. Save it for men who deserve it. This is what it pretty much amounts to. We have more opportunity in the West than many areas of the world. And yet, so many seem content to live miserable lives, severely restricted from what is right in front of them and all the possibilities that exist.
How is this possible? There is an underlying lack of a desire to change. Seeing some of my best friends constantly move backwards in life began to show how they avoided seizing the opportunities that others, and fate, provided them. Given an opportunity to move to a better location? Set up with a job interview at a better place?
Encouraged to apply for a grant and attend a trade school?