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In , top hat peddlers Edward Allen and Edward Healey used a stiffer paper made with a fluted sheet in the middle of two layers to provide stability and warmth to the lining: It was a precursor to corrugated cardboard.
The real breakthrough, however, came in It was then that Robert Gair , owner of a Brooklyn paper factory, figured out that he could both score a single sheet of cardboard and then have his printing press cut it at the same time, eliminating laborious hand-cutting. When the flat pieces were folded together, the cardboard box as we know it was born. Gair sold consumer product companies on this handy new form of storage, eventually scoring a 2-million-piece order from the cracker czars at Nabisco.
Snack foods could now travel without the danger of being crushed, and, pretty soon, the cardboard box was migrating from kitchen cupboards to anywhere a cheap, effective form of packaging was needed. In the s, the Finnish government even adopted the boxes as part of a take-home maternity package for new mothers who may not have been able to afford cribs. Babies took their first naps in the confines of the mattress-lined box—a practice that continues today.
Have you got a Big Question you'd like us to answer? If so, let us know by emailing us at bigquestions mentalfloss. This ubiquitous material was invented in the 19th century to reinforce top hats. Corrugated cardboard is present today in our daily lives. We see it on the market in fruit boxes, in courier delivery trucks, in packages that bring parts or raw materials to industry. Although the omnipresence of this material makes us think that it has existed all our lives, the truth is that it was not invented until the middle of the 19th century and its first use is far from what we know today.
It all began in , in England, when Edward G. Healy and Edward E. Allen patented a process with which they pleated paper, giving it a wavy shape. The objective was to introduce this paper inside the top hats to make them more durable and comfortable to wear. It was not until almost 20 years later that it began to be used more closely to what we know today, the use to protect goods due to its high strength and its ability to absorb shocks.
In Albert L. Jones was the first to use corrugated paper as protective packaging.