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Which scriptures did jesus use - trn

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For they do not wash their hands when they eat. In Matthew , Yeshua conversed with a young man who asked him the way to eternal life. What do I still lack? You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. He is not God of the dead, but of the living. This kind of argument was known to rabbinic Judaism, too.

In the Talmud Sanhedrin 90b , as scholar Joseph Klausner notes:. Yeshua replied:. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.

Yeshua echoed Deuteronomy and Leviticus The heart of the matter is that Yeshua upheld the commands of the Torah and challenged those who listened to a deeper kind of love—the kind that he would soon show through his sacrifice.

The chapter is really about the identity of Yeshua he claimed to be the light of the world , and he used Deuteronomy to highlight that his claim is true. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. I am the one who bears witness about myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness about me.

On the evidence of two or three witnesses, the one who is to die shall be put to death; a person shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness. Deuteronomy , Deuteronomy While the Torah instructed the people what to do, their obedience to the Law continually fell short.

So, the prophets reminded Israel of the Torah and called them to repentance. They provided visions of what would happen to the nation in the future—judgment for sin but hope for the future if the people returned to God. And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing. Luke , Isaiah And he did not just say this, he acted in a way that reflected his character.

About Page. Matthew , Mark In the beginning it was not like that: God made them male and femaile. Genesis "a man shall leave parents, cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh".

In the beginning it was not like that A scriptural principle: statement of God's intention, which trumps Moses' law, which Pharisees used to defend divorce v. Deducing from God's state3ment about himself from a part of Scripture they would accept, Torah.

Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke Jesus celebrates Passover with his disciples, giving it new and prophetic meaning. Telling his disciples that they are linked with one of the main events in the Jews' history, and that that event points to this and is fulfilled by it.

Matthew , Mark , Luke , Jesus referred the rich young man to the commandments - interestingly, those commandments about relating to others, but not those that referred to God I wonder why. Also Mark Exodus , Deut "Honour your father and mother"; Exodus , Lev "If anyone curses his father or mother he must be put to death". Bill Arnold and Dr. Find all of our resources on Scripture here.

Read articles from Dr. Bill Arnold here. Watch more videos from Dr. Ben Witherington here. Explore our OneBook Bible Study resources here. Here is a premise not mentioned — with some questions. Would either of these gentlemen care to answer these.

The book that you hold in your hand this morning. And Jesus Christ believed the scriptures were flawless from Genesis to Malachi because the others had not yet been written.

Now they had three divisions of their Bible and they put the law and then the megillah, the writings and then they put the prophets at the end. And their last book was 2 Chronicles. But they had all the very same books that we do.

They had the prophets in a little different order than we do, but the very same words in there. They just moved the order around a little bit.

The words that He believed were as we would say it, from Genesis to Revelation, the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ were filled with the scriptures. Christ used scripture to pray from. He sang the scripture at the last supper with His disciples. He sang the scriptures. You can read about that in Matthew and Mark To endure the horrors of Golgatha, He had the words of the scriptures flowing from His lips on the cross.

They were so important to Him. He read them, He embraced them, He knew them and He used them. Jesus believed the Bible. To comfort the confused and sorrowful disciples in Luke 24, He turns their eyes back to the scriptures.

He said, you missed me. You miss your Jesus. The Old Testament is the book that Jesus meditated on, lived with and used. The Old Testament is the book that the apostles preached from, taught doctrines from, saw Christ in every corner of it.

In verse 18, because we can learn a lot about what Bible or what the Bible was like that Jesus used from this passage. Listen to what He says in this one verse, Matthew I just want to believe the book like He believed it. Every word. And I mean Jesus believed every word in the book that you hold, the word of God, was absolute, was absolutely authoritative.

Let me show you what I mean. You know what that means? That represents until time ends as we know it, the end of earthly history. All of it. All of it is… God says none of it is going to come in to the eternal state. All of it has to go through the fire and be burned up, because sin permeates this universe. You know, the only perfect thing that ever got on this planet was Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ could walk through solid walls and yet He was in a physical, corporeal body.

Do you know why? He was perfect. Jesus was perfect and He could just walk right through walls. He said, but you know what, this universe, the present heavens, 2 Peter , are by his word being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. Even the psalmist said of all thou didst found the earth, the heavens are the works of thy hands, even the heavens will perish.

But you, God, will endure and all of them will wear out, the universe, like garment and like clothing. And you will change them and they will all be changed, but thou art the same.

Thy years will not come to an end. Psalm Isaiah the prophet said, lift up your eyes to the sky. Then look to the earth beneath for the sky will vanish like smoke.

The earth will wear out like a garment. Isaiah Compare that sometime with Isaiah and Revelation Number 2. Not only is every word of God absolute, every word of Jesus is equally authoritative with the rest of the word of God. And Joshua picked up and started writing and then the priest took over and put down his death, and on it went.

But when Moses sat down and started writing and started writing about the creation of the world, it was the spirit of Jesus Christ that inspired him to know what happened when God began the universe. Every word of Jesus is equally authoritative with the word of God. Look what He says in Matthew 24 verse He said heaven and earth are going to pass away but the word of God and my words which are the same will not pass away. What was true of the law in its fullest meaning is the Old Testament was also true of Jesus teaching.

The Bible is the eternal word of God. A good friend of mine, Phil Johnson, says the word of God is long preceded and will outlast for a long time every person who questions its validity and relevancy.

This book predates and postdates all occupants of this planet and it will endure. It will endure. Number 3. Every word of the Bible will come to pass. He staked His name on it, His eternal character, His eternal power. Not the smallest letter or stroke will pass away from the law, Jesus said. The smallest letter translates into the word iota and the smallest letter of the Greek alphabet was the iota.

To Jesus Jewish hearers, they would have thought of the yod, which is a little like apostrophe thing in Hebrew. A stroke where He says not the smallest letter which is either a yodh or a yod or a stroke Jesus says. And you know what that was? That was just on their Hebrew letters a lot of them look like a little box, you know.

A tent actually. Just a little like that. Even the letters, not just the words, are inspired. The letters that make up the words are inspired.

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