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I remember that, too. Because that happened. Does the original series hold up on rewatch? Are there things that made you cringe or made you excited to remember doing? The things that made me really excited to see were the friendships.
I just start laughing. The minute you asked me that question, I just started smiling. We just laughed so hard. We always had a terrific time. And it was a joy. Who have you kept in touch with over the years? When we went off the air was right when Twitter was starting. Why would I do that? This is a big question, but how did the show change your life? Oh my gosh. In so many ways. First and foremost, it brought into my life a group of friends who are like family to me. Ilene, Kate, and Leisha are really like my family.
It also introduced me to a group of activists who never cease to amaze me with their intelligence and dedication. Up until that time, I was really like a hermit. When the protests were happening with the water protectors at Standing Rock, I went down there twice. The second time I went down there, they were throwing everybody off of the site and threatening to shut down the camp. And one more body who has a little bit of a platform. To get back to The L Word : What frustrates you the most about Bette as a character, and what do you love most about her?
Oh my God. What reminds you the most of yourself? Our vulnerability. For sure. Has playing her changed you on a personality level? It really laid a pathway for me. She really laid the pathway for a whole host of other characters that I played who are very comfortable in their authority and in their will. Oh gosh! I always felt like Bette was too good for Tina, to be honest with you. You just pissed off a whole bunch of people. Somewhere, a band of them is very upset with you.
I have to live my truth. I just rewatched the whole series this summer, and something that struck me is that you were one of the only cast members who never did any nudity, which is especially interesting on a show where you had so many sex scenes. What was behind that choice? I feel like sex scenes without story are porn.
And sex scenes are really sold by the degree of intimacy which is relayed. Was it ever uncomfortable for you filming those really intimate scenes? The first iteration of The L Word , they never felt uncomfortable on set.
We had an amazing crew and great directors. We talked through every single scene. A love scene is a scene with a beginning, middle, and end. When that ended she said, "I looked for other relationships with women and they didn't happen.
More from Laurel Holloman about being Bisexual:. Laurel says, "I just feel like when you fall in love you can't help who you fall in love with. You love who you love; it just is what it is. She also said in the Curve magazine interview, " I wish I had met more women laughs. Laurel Holloman Bisexual Mom:. Her real life pregnancy coincided with Tina's pregnancy on The L Word. Her daughter appeared on the show in season 3, episode one where they all sing, "Hello to Lola, so glad to see you" while at a daycare.
More about Laurel Holloman:. She dedicated the award to her daughter and said, "When she grows up I hope there will be more shows like that and she could see all sorts of characters. She's got a dark side. Get Showtime Schedules. The L Word: Generation Q. Shane McCutcheon Played by Katherine Moennig Shane is a successful hairstylist who arrives back in LA after living on the road with her musician ex and selling her lucrative salons.
Gigi Ghorbani Played by Sepideh Moafi Gigi is a passionate and quick-tempered realtor who's navigating co-parenting with her ex-wife.
Micah Lee Played by Leo Sheng Micah is a soft-spoken educator who is terrified to be vulnerable, even though it's probably the only thing that's ever going to bring him the love that he deserves. Sarah Finley Played by Jacqueline Toboni Finley is an ambivalent careerist who is definitely going to get your coffee order wrong, if she even remembers to get it at all.
Sophie Suarez Played by Rosanny Zayas Sophie is a TV producer who's always pushing to use her public platform to cover real, substantial issues.