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When Jeremiah, in Jeremiah 8 , hears about how Babylon will lay siege to Israel, Jeremiah weeps and asks if there is a balm in Gilead. Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people? Jeremiah No doubt, Gilead contained a balm of herbs and spices that served as a healing ointment.
What did people do with balms? Long answer: Balms had several uses in the ancient world. They flavored mummified meat, perfumed and preserved the bodies of those who had passed, and they had healing properties. The ancient salve mixtures could contain a number of ingredients from beeswax to balsam and poplar tree juices. No matter what ingredients the particular balm of Gilead contained, we know they believed it could heal the wounded.
But does the balm have a deeper meaning beyond a physical salve for cuts and abrasions? Therefore, it is of great importance that we continue this research; we must prepare for the eventual regular supply of quality and authentic components for the incense blend, to be used in the Third Temple. May the discovery of the purple seal prove to be an important step in the full restoration of the miraculous healing that the Balm of Gilead has long represented, Amen.
Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy. Latest Articles. Hebrew Alphabet chart. Then, unbelievably, the brothers went about their business as usual, even after this murderous act. Ignored by his brothers, Joseph reached out in prayer to God. For, as the Balm passed by, Judah declared to his brothers that it would be better to sell Joseph into slavery than to kill him. For twenty shekels. A Word through Terry Jo Cotter.
The pit was empty, there was no water in it. Come, let us sell him to the Ishmaelites, and let not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother, our own flesh. Then Midianite traders passed by; and they drew Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver ; and they took Joseph to Egypt. The value was Joseph himself, a beloved son, as the healing balm of Gilead personified through his life, having been being sold into slavery in Egypt.
Joseph [a representative type of Christ] was a living Balm of Gilead. He was the one the Lord would use to save —not only the people of Egypt and the surrounding nations— but the very Covenant bloodline itself. Beloved, you and I are called to be a living Balm of Gilead, to each other; to those who follow after us; to the hurting nations. To truly be a balm that can bring healing, we must be taken from one form to another, in order to flow out to others.
Jesus identified as Healer. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Christ has the best authority for practicing as a Physician. He has a divine diploma. Would you like a healing diploma? This last is also the same word that we elsewhere render by the same mistake balm of Gilead ; it should be rendered, the turpentine of Gilead , Jeremiah Balm or More Properly, Balsam.
Balm: A Medicinal Balsam. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.