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When was the domus augustana built - vxe

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It is vast, covering an enormous area on the southeast sector of the Palatine. Later, during the Byzantine period, it was the residence and workplace of the highest officials. Today, Domus Augustana is a hugely popular tourist attraction owing to its magnificence and historical resonance. Apostoli S. Balbina S. Bartolomeo all'Isola Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio S. Camillo de Lellis S. Carlo al Corso S. Cecilia in Trastevere Ss.

Celso e Giuliano S. Clemente Ss. Cosma e Damiano S. Crisogono S. Croce in Via Flaminia S. Croce in Gerusalemme S. Eugenio S. Eustachio S. Francesca Romana S. Giovanni a Porta Latina S. Giovanni dei Fiorentini Ss. Giovanni e Paolo S. Lorenzo in Damaso S. Lorenzo in Lucina S. Maria Ausiliatrice S. Marco S. Maria degli Angeli S. Maria in Montesanto S. Maria in Cosmedin S. Maria in Domnica S. Maria in Aracoeli S.

Thinking the danger past, Domitian happily hurried off to exercise and bathe, but was stopped along the way by his chamberlain Parthenius, who said someone had to see him about some weighty matter or other that couldn't be put off. And so Domitian, having dismissed his attendants, entered his bedroom, where he was killed. Suetonius , Domitian When Septimius Severus constructed the Septizonium [in AD ], he simply intended it as a monument to greet travelers arriving from Africa by the Appian Way.

He is said, however, to have wanted an entrance to the Palatine the imperial residence from that quarter of the hill, but was thwarted when a Prefect of Rome put up a statue of Severus in the middle of the monument when Severus was out of town.

Alexander Severus was planning to create an approach to the palace from there as well, but was prohibited by the soothsayers. Imperial Lives , Severus In honor of the spirits of the dead, Tiberius Claudius Thallus, in charge of the awnings of the Domus Augustiana, made this tomb for himself and his children.

While we were waiting in the Palatine Square [area] to pay our respects to Caesar, the philosopher Favorinus spotted Caecilius, the great law-scholar, and approached him. Gellius , Attic Nights All rights reserved. Rome Reborn. Domus Augustana This was the principal residence of the emperors in the city from the late first to the third centuries A.

The Palace of Domitian Domus Augustiana. Rabirius: you piously brought the stars and heaven to earth When your genius built Domitian's palace on Evander's turf. The ceilings of the palace rest on columns that cannot be counted And the cross-beams glitter brightly, coated in Dalmatian gold.

The name is often confused with the nearby Domus Augusti, the House of Augustus. Rabirius used water and coloured marble in enormous quantities for the palace but also decorated lavishly in gold. The aspect that impressed the most was the sheer size and height of the space. Grandeur like this was reserved for the Gods but Domitian flaunted himself as a living god — probably the reason for his assassination only four years after the palace was completed.

There were two levels: the upper level where modern visitors look down from was accessed by a large two-flight staircase and contained the many residential rooms of the emperor; the lower level courtyard was actually below ground and contained a large fountain surrounded by dining areas with miniature pools to refresh diners.

The central fountain has a motif of four peltas the shields used by the famous female Amazonian warriors. Frescoes adorned the walls and the courtyards and columned porticoes were covered in exquisite marble, statues decorated the fountain and the portico. The exedra, was a curved gallery on the southwest side of the Domus Augustana which overlooks the Circus Maximus visitors can enjoy the view from this platform today.

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