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It never feels like a celebration of cultural and social achievements for my families or other Aboriginal families. History tells us this through the Maccassans from Indonesia, who travelled quite regularly to the northern parts of Australia for trepang, and traded other goods and services many hundreds of years before Captain Cook landed.
We all still suffer from the life-draining, over-legislated madness called British Australia, which never seems to abate to the reason of sound voices or even democracy. Then they expect us to join in their triumphant dances over our ancestors' graves each January She explains why she cannot celebrate Australia Day [9] :. In the first Survival Day concert was held in Sydney. These concerts are often staged at places with great Aboriginal significance, for example La Perouse or Redfern.
Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal artists play music or dance, there are information, arts and crafts stalls, and you can buy food and bush tucker. Survival Day has become one of the biggest Aboriginal cultural events that is staged throughout Australia. In all major cities you can visit alternative concerts where mainly Aboriginal people gather. The name Survival Day expresses the fact that Aboriginal culture is still strong and many Aboriginal people's identities are positive and alive despite all what happened since colonisation.
We call it Survival Day. Whitefellas pretty much celebrating invasion and killing our mob off—that's what it feels like for us. However, to many Aboriginal people there is little to celebrate and it is a commemoration of a deep loss. Loss of their sovereign rights to their land and the right to practice their culture. Many of them rather call 26th January Invasion Day. Well boys and girls, it's January in Australia, and we all know what that means: family holidays, sizzling barbecues and blatant racism.
January 26 is a rap song about the annual frustration many Aboriginal Australians feel from the "farce of a holiday", says Aboriginal musician Adam Briggs. Warning: Explicit lyrics! The apology by PM Rudd was the first step, but there are still many many steps to go. There's a saying that white Australia has a black history. It can sort of be taken in the sense that it has been a dark or unfortunate history, but it's also true in the sense that we were here first.
Sometimes people think that Australian started years ago with the invasion. This is invasion day. January 26th marked the beginning of the murders, the rapes and the dispossession.
It is no date to celebrate. Poem by Raylene Campion [13]. Read more Aboriginal poems. In a controversial move the City of Sydney Council decided in July to use the word 'invasion' in one of its official documents [14]. Many white Australians were affronted by the word and felt it described the past, not the present. But, as some commentators pointed out, "if the word 'invasion' is to have any meaning, then of course it has to apply to what happened. It does not mean, Remember, 'invasion' was only used to describe the arrival of the British in , not the whole years plus.
Let's get the facts right and the facts are that this country was invaded. The proposal to Change the Date is meant to be inclusive of all people who live in Australia, including First Nations people. However, simply changing the date is not enough to change the narratives and systems in Australia that continue to oppress and disadvantage First Nations people.
Further education of wider Australia on the history of colonisation, as well as understanding and acknowledgment of the issues important to First Nations people is also part of the conversation and proposal around changing the date. Another growing movement is to abolish Australia Day. This means to cancel the national holiday, the concept of Australia Day and what it celebrates. It is argued that without significant changes in key areas of justice relating to First Nations people, there is nothing to celebrate.
The movement highlights that the things commonly celebrated on Australia Day such as equality, freedom, opportunity, and our national identity are not reflective of the experience of First Nations people and indeed many other people in Australia. Advocates in this movement also describe how the nationalistic pride often celebrated around Australia Day is rooted in racist, colonial history, values and behaviours. We are a First Nations-led not-for-profit that exists to centre First Nations people, knowledge and cultures.
By refusing to participate in a day that marks dispossession and violence we acknowledge the truth about our shared history and create a movement for change. January 26, Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute.
Stuart Terrace, Alice Springs. From 10am. Anaiwan Language Revival Program. Opposite Lake View Hotel. Benson Street, Belgrave. More info. Bermagui Survival Day. For example New Zealand celebrates Waitangi Day on 6 February, commemorating the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi between the settlers and the local Maori people in For many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Australia Day is also an opportunity to recognise the survival of our people and our culture.
Despite colonisation, discrimination and comprehensive inequalities, we continue to practise our traditions, look after the land and make our voices heard in the public sphere.
We survive. The Bicentenary of Australia saw a large protest in Sydney in which Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians marched together. Activist Gary Foley described it as black and white Australians coming together in harmony that represented Australia as it could be. Campaigner for Reconciliation and Australian of the Year in , Gustav Nossal spoke about the potential for Australia Day to celebrate and respect Indigenous people and their history.
In contrast to Australia Day events, which have historically been organised with little or no consultation with local Aboriginal people, the first Survival Day festivals were initiated by Aboriginal communities in Sydney and marked a celebration of our achievements and culture.
Today many Survival Day events are held around the country, celebrating our people, culture and survival. Mick Dodson , law professor and Australian of the Year in , spoke to Koori Mail about the community support behind this recognition of Indigenous people.