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What was the tolerance act of 1649 - tkb

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Post a Question. Join FunTrivia for Free : Hourly trivia games, quizzes, community, and more! Newest Questions Post a Question Search All Questions Please cite any factual claims with citation links or references from authoritative sources. Editors continuously recheck submissions and claims. Archived Questions Goto Qn. Maize corn , and later rice and potatoes were grown in place of wheat and barley which were common European crops that did not take readily to eastern American soil.

Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Ben Davis September 10, Who passed the Toleration Act of ? What was the purpose of the Toleration Act of quizlet? What did the colonies of Maryland and Pennsylvania have in common? Which colonies had religious freedom? What did the middle colonies believe in? Did the southern colonies have religious freedom? Catholics still faced discrimination as protection was aimed at various Protestant groups.

People of Jewish ancestry were still barred in most colonies from holding political office. The Maryland Assembly passed the first American law guaranteeing religious freedom.

The Colony went to war with Virginia in order to ensure religious freedom. Answer: The law granted religious freedom to all non-christians in Maryland. Explanation: The act of toleration of was passed in 21 April , Answer: The residents in new Netherland welcomed the British takeover of their colony because they resented sharing their profits with the Dutch King. Founded in by the Dutch, the colony of New Netherlands came under British rule forty years later and was renamed New York.

Answer Expert Verified. What the colonies of Maryland and Pennsylvania have in common is that they were both places of religious tolerance. Dargo, George. McConnell, Michael W.

John R. Maryland Toleration Act of [electronic resource].

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