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What makes someone indifferent - rdj

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You'll do your thing regardless -- in fact, if no one were in the room, you'd be behaving the same way. Even if your significant other is yelling at you, keep your arms uncrossed and your legs unfolded.

This is just a display of their need to control and you'll address it when you can get a word in edgewise calmly. You're still hearing what they have to say, you're just hearing all the levels to it and putting it through an objective analysis. Don't enjoy it too much. Some of us want to be indifferent to achieve some sort of self-satisfaction. If this is your case, don't enjoy it too much! That will give it away that your indifference is a facade , a show. You're no longer indifferent; you've become a phony.

Part 3. Be calm. Since everything is no big deal and you're analyzing the process from afar anyway, why in the world would you be anything but calm?

It's because they care about the outcome -- something you don't do. So the next time you find yourself in a stressful situation, think nothing of it. It'll pass soon enough anyway. Be stoic. In addition to staying calm, it's important to be stoic showing little emotion. You're not only stress-free since '93, but you're also never angry, sad, or overly happy.

The situations around you don't phase you much, so you don't have much reason to feel intense emotion. Whether it's "You killed my fish! Maybe you want to know what color it is, maybe you don't.

You'll ask if you feel like it. Be objective. The world is full of opinions. Everybody has 'em. And most people display them quite readily. You, on the other hand, aren't most people. You see both sides of the coin and analyze situations for what they are -- not seen through a cloud of emotion. That means seeing your side of the coin, too. Sometimes it's hard to see the forest through the trees, but with practice being aware of your own behavior is possible.

So when you're fighting with a friend, see what's driving her, but also see what's driving you. Address the process. When you're dealing with people, you don't necessarily have to respond to their words. You need to respond to what they're actually saying.

Ignore the content and rely on the process. It'll help you be objective and removed from the emotions swirling around you. Instead, you'll be thinking about people's predispositions, tendencies, and complexes -- pretty neutral territory. Let's say Julia brought Pete, her husband, a list of things to do. Pete doesn't do it and Julia gets upset. Pete starts thinking Julia is a big nag and Julia thinks Pete doesn't care about her and is lazy.

Instead, Pete should be thinking about how that list is really Julia needing her life to be organized and her asking for his help to do this -- Julia needs to realize her own translation of Pete's behavior and that is has nothing to do with her -- it's just that Pete operates on a different wavelength.

When they see themselves for how they're acting, they remove themselves from the situation and can solve it. Give the common courtesy you give to strangers to all. If you're truly indifferent, you don't prefer one person over another. Again, it's like you're alone in the room. If there's a specific someone you want to convince of your indifference, treat them like you would a stranger. You'd definitely be civil, you'd definitely respond if they talked to you and you'd make chit chat, but when they walk away that's all it was.

And that's totally fine. This works on enemies, too. Even if you hate the person, indifference is more powerful.

They'll be expecting you to react -- when you don't, they won't know what to do. So be civil to them and kill 'em with indifferent kindness. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. The past is gone, the future unknown; remembering is a shame, worry is just pain; to live well in the instant is sane.

Helpful 9 Not Helpful 0. Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0. It doesn't matter what others think. Some have no other work but their thoughts. Stop caring about their thoughts. Peace exists only in the mind! For complete peace, just peace: nothing is needed!

Helpful 4 Not Helpful 1. Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0. When one reaches the root of desire and understands completely the root of it, it becomes easier to remove that root. Forgive everybody because they do what seems most correct at that moment. Remember, true happiness NEVER depends on externalities such as someone's image or material possessions money, fame, power, etc True happiness is independent of all of these, which are temporary.

Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1. In any case, introspection is the key to accepting things. Helpful 79 Not Helpful 9. We all do it consciously and unconsciously many times each day.

Even if we are self-aware enough to realize we are judging — we still judge. You begin to look for the basics of a person, thing, or situation and accept it for what it is, not what you want it to be, expect it to be, or think it should have been.

Judging is easy and requires zero reasoning or effort. And judgment is what you are working to remove. The intent is to become indifferent. When you become indifferent to people, things, and situations, you find balance.

And when your thoughts are balanced, your emotions will follow. You will no longer experience lows or highs. Some indifference may be caused by a medical issue, such as a mental health disorder. By understanding who you are and what has happened to you, it becomes possible to find the disconnects in life that can cause feelings of indifference. That way, you might be able to see a brighter future. Home Feeling Indifferent. How Indifference Tends to Strike There are four primary reasons why most people begin to start feeling indifferent.

Jul 4, -Flow Psychology Editor. Dissatisfied With Life Inferiority Feelings. Moon Sign Compatibility in Romantic Relationships.

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