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What makes left or right handed - zmk

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On an individual level, handedness might be determined at the earliest stages of development. Scientists reported in i n the journal Neuropsychologia that fetuses will show a hand preference in the womb by sucking the thumb of one hand , a proclivity that continues after they're born.

While there's no righty or lefty gene, DNA does seem to play a role in handedness. Three out of these four regions were involved in brain development and structure. Some researchers hope that studying the biological differences between lefties and righties could shed light on how the brain develops specializations in its right and left hemispheres.

Trying to answer the question of handedness from an evolutionary perspective is also complicated. Researchers can detect handedness in the archaeological record by looking for certain anatomical traits in prehistoric skeletons, such as asymmetry in the size and density of arm bones, and by examining prehistoric tools. Scientists can even look at the direction of diagonal scratches on fossilized teeth to see which hand people were using to tear off meat or animal hides in their mouths.

Righties have dominated for as far back in the archaeological record as researchers can see, about , years , Uomini said. Neanderthals, our now-extinct human cousins, were also strongly right-handed. That makes humans pretty strange among animals. Several nonhuman species, such as the other great apes, are individually handed, but the split between righties and lefties is typically closer to What caused our extreme bias toward right-handedness to evolve and persist?

From an evolutionary perspective, if right-handedness evolved because it had some kind of advantage, then you might expect left-handers to disappear completely, Uomini told Live Science. This, consequently, influences the asymmetry of gene activity present within the spine. This website uses cookies to improve user experience. By continuing to use our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our cookie policy.

Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter. The Brain. Are you left-handed or right-handed? By Robin Andrews 20 Feb , This website uses cookies This website uses cookies to improve user experience.

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