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What makes gums healthier - mqq

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Also, Teeth surrounded by healthy gums can give you a beautiful smile, make you look good, and boost your self-confidence. The inflammation of gums gingivitis commonly occurs due to the buildup of plaque bacteria along the gum line, which irritates healthy gums. The healthy gums are pink and fit tightly around teeth.

Changes in the color of healthy gums to red or purple can be a sign of gingivitis. Other signs and symptoms of gingivitis include gum bleeding and swelling. Gingivitis is a reversible condition. If gingivitis is left untreated, the infection may spread to tooth-surrounding tissues periodontitis , which can lead to tooth loss.

In this article, we will discuss the differences between gingivitis vs healthy gums. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gum tissues gingiva. It commonly occurs due to the accumulation of plaque on gums and teeth. Dental plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria, which decompose carbohydrates in food and produce acids as a result.

Plaque irritates the healthy gums, causing gingivitis. Plaque can be easily removed by tooth brushing and flossing. When plaque is not removed regularly, it will harden into tartar calculus , which has a yellow to brown color.

Tartar can cover the teeth and accumulate below the gum line. So, you have to visit your dentist for professional cleaning. Plaque and tartar irritate healthy gums, causing gingivitis, periodontitis, and cavities. Learn more about what bacteria cause gingivitis. If you want to prevent gingivitis, you should know what healthy gums look like. Healthy gums are usually pink in color. However, they can come in a variety of shades from light pink to darker colors such as brown or even black, depending on your ethnic origin.

BDO gives you access to innovative new approaches to the health information you need in everyday language so you can break through the disparities, gain control and live your life to its fullest.

Continue Reading. A lost or altered sense of taste, dry mouth and sores are common among COVID patients and those symptoms may last long after others disappear, Brazilian researchers report. Black people are more likely to have periodontitis than other races. Now an ongoing Swedish study has found that gum disease periodontitis is also much more common in first-time heart attack patients than in a group of healthy people New read more about More Evidence Ties Gum Disease With Heart Disease.

Activated charcoal is the new buzz-word health ingredient of the moment. It's literally a black toothpaste that claims to clean and whiten teeth and eliminate bad breath better. And it's starting to show up in healthy products all over. Oral cancer retains the notoriety of being one of the most elusive diseases plaguing our planet.

Given that not much has scientifically and authoritatively established about it, oral cancer remains a dumping ground for misinformation and myths.

Most people with heart disease don't need antibiotics before dental work. But people with prosthetic heart valves or valve repairs do. So do people with a history of heart infection endocarditis or certain congenital heart conditions even after surgical repair. If you chew tobacco, get help to stop. This will preserve healthy gum tissue and good oral hygiene.

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