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What is the difference between app.config and web.config in wcf - zwe

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Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow.

Learn more. Differences between App. Config and Web. Ask Question. Asked 12 years, 1 month ago. Active 3 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 54k times. Improve this question. Possible duplicate of stackoverflow. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Read the Documentation : Web. Improve this answer. CloudyMarble CloudyMarble Config is used for asp.

Can you give us more info on what you are trying to do in terms of these config files? Click to see full answer.

Beside this, what is the difference between web config and machine config? The machine. A configuration file web.

The settings are stored in XML files that are separate from your application code. In this way you can configure settings independently from your code. The app.

Settings will be override automatically by asp. Yes you can have two web. You will create both these modules in a separate folder with each folder having separate config files. Asked by: Iliyas Petrenko asked in category: General Last Updated: 14th June, What is the difference between web config and app config? Where is the machine config? The Machine. Is Web config mandatory? Yes, we can run an Asp. Net web application without web.

If we don't configure any settings in web. Does Change Web config require restart? Conclusion It is normally a good practice to use a configuration file when specifying endpoints because we can make changes in endpoints without a code recompile. View All. Windows 11 is Here. Read what is new in Windows Akshay Patel Updated date Aug 14, If you have not read previous articles, please go through the following articles:.

The element contains the specifications for all bindings that can be used by any endpoint defined in any service. In the preceding example we are defining a single binding i. In the preceding example we specify an address as an absolute address.

It is normally a good practice to use a configuration file when specifying endpoints because we can make changes in endpoints without a code recompile. Next Recommended Reading. Windows 10 Vs Windows NET 5. Everything That Every.

Net 5. Micro Frontends With Webpack. NET 6. Commonly Used Blockchain Terminologies.

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