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The people who succeed make mistakes. To follow through with success you have to be able to learn to move past them and continue to believe in yourself DESPITE those mistakes. Then I read that people that people who succeed make mistakes too. NO WAY!! For real? I have many stories going on in my life; many are still unfinished. Hi unfortunately I cheated for 3 days but I kept it like calories a day. I did not gain any weight.
Did I ruined my last 5 days of hcg this is my fourth week. Can someone advise? I talked to diet doc and I restart my medication tomorrow but with one loading day. My diet was not good and not anywhere close to phase 3. I lost 21 lbs the first round so to only stress gain 5 back, I call that a win. So should I load only one day and get back to it?
Nice to meet you! I have been diligently following the HCG diet using injections. I am relatively thinner so my weight loss has been slower. I want to celebrate a friends birthday and have a few vodka sodas this weekend. Love the website, so much helpful info! Hope that helps! I was doing the injections but I never really stuck to it for the six weeks. So I went off finally. How long do I have to stay off before I try again?
I never lost any weight, in fact I probably up a couple of pounds from when I started. I did back in and I was very successful. I really would rather start sooner.
I am on day 3 but I have not weighed myself. I do feel a little lighter and have more energy. My question is in regards to a cheat day. If I were to ever cheat one day would it be better to start the diet from scratch again. When I say that I mean start from the loading days and follow through once again? Have you ever done that? I found this article reassuring as I am only on day six of P2 and have been asked out to dinner.
I have already looked at the menu and decided on a meal. If I complete 2 steak days in a row, would this help me get back down?? I have a question I am in phase 2 and I am on the hcg injections. I am sticking to the diet.
Any tips? What am I doing wrong? It is common that weight loss during the first week would be fastest and easiest because it also involves a lot of water weight loss.
I am on week 3 of p-2 injections. I am doing a 46 day round. Can I use the patch while I am on vacation and return to the injections when I get home. I protein cheated. I still stayed under calories for the day but made me wonder if I stay within the calorie amount is cheating with little with protein on a bad day going to be that bad? Guess I will find out on the scale tomorrow! Going to stick with denser protein choices next week or soup to be more full.
Hi i am in my phase 2 i had a cheat day woulf i gain back all the weight loss? Should i leave this phase and take a break and start it again? Do i have to stick to 2 days still on calories without hcg? After how many days can i restart the diet? The answers to your questions are discussed in this blog post. I would suggest to restart right away and do very clean VLCD and do not cheat moving forward.
Good luck! I have been on the diet for 2 weeks now. Great results! However, today I felt nauseous and decided to eat some soda crackers. I feel awful now. The lack of carbs also has me on the edge and cranky,.
I am doing HCG injections with siesta beach diet…I do not count calories at all, just carbs. I eat just til satiety, and it is coming in at around calories a day. Im also using lipotropic injections. Im 55, post menopausal and have struggled so so much with weight loss.
I have 40 total pounds to lose,.. So unfortunately I have into cravings last night and had buffalo wings with some ketchup???????? Is there anything in particular I can do to try and get back on track? It is actually written in this exact blog post.
You may consider doing very clean vlcd from now on and move on! Are you referring to the 0-calorie seltzer water? Just move on and stick to the protocol. I still have 15 pounds to drop at the curb. Do you think the 2nd batch of HCG i got was not quality. I felt night and day. I am sorry for the late reply. Rayzel has a post that should help you in your research. The blogpost also has a link to interpreting lab tests — it can be tricky because often times the lab test will seem like your results are in the normal range, but the lady I frequently link to over at stopthethyroidmadness.
So like for me, my cortisol Levels on this test seemed kind of normal, but when I actually started dosing with physiologic doses of cortisol 3 times a day, I felt WAY better and my stamina and energy were greatly improved. So like I take 15 mg of cortisol per day. Another interesting thing about this, while high cortisol causes weight gain, I found that when my cortisol was too low I also had trouble with fat gain, despite my diet and exercise being the same as it had always been, and when I added the cortisol in, I lost weight and was able to maintain much more easily again.
I hope that helps get you started. You may have to search around a bit to find a naturopathic doc who will prescribe you the cortisol. I actually did buy mine online for a time from overseas pharmacies without a prescription but this is getting harder to find now — you can Google that though — usually Mexican pharmacies have 5mg of 10mg tablets of cortisol. Just started phase three.
When reading labels how many grams of sugar should we stay under. I know zero would be optimal but not everything is sugar free. Like organic pasta sause. I put it on zucchini. I have a rule if anything has more than 5 grams of carbs I dont get it. Is this a good rule with sugar as well?? I do agree, not everything is sugar-free but if you could stay away from sugar or eat food with as less sugar as possible, it would make for a better weight loss and make it easier for you to stabilize your weight.
However, as you discovered while checking your zucchini, even low carb vegetables have natural sugars in them, and these are NOT bad or a problem for stabilizing. Even for instance canned tomatoes- you will notice a few grams of sugar on the label even though the ingredient list will show no added sugar — this is simply the natural sugar contained in tomatoes that make it slightly sweeter tasting.
Additionally, the if anything has more than 5 grams of carbs thing is another rule of thumb that even I myself used to go by, but the problem was I found myself often overconsuming calories on other low carb foods as a result.
I have realized through the creation and now seeing women follow the program that we have come to misunderstand what really works well for stabilizing and maintaining and what foods are appropriate to eat in Phase 3 and regular life.
These are just my personal thoughts on this and the evidence from the women following my program seem to be proving it to be true. I hope this helps you! Additionally, I am posting here a free Phase 3 food list for you to download if you are looking for ideas. Day 6 of P2. Last night, I made tacos for the kids. Took out my own meat and made a little P2 taco salad. And then I ate more meat. And some cheese. And then a quesadilla. And 4 valentine cookies.
And more meat and cheese on tortilla chips. All that within an HOUR! SOOOO not worth it!! Oh- and a package of Belvita cookies was thrown in there too. I am on the real HCG now but have mostly done homeopathic HCG, I lost quicker with the homeopathic but it was more strict than this and if I cheated the next day would be a pound gain.
I have cheated but with breadstick. I am supposed to have one a day but I went crazy and had 10!! Tasted so good!!!
I do injections phase 2 day 8. My husband was diagnosed with cancer two weeks into my r2 of hcg. I then messed up tremendously on the diet and I suddenly found that I had gained almost fifteen pounds it seems like it was just overnight and lots and lots of cellulite.
Any thoughts on how to rid myself of this cellulite? Thank you very much! I have successfully completed one round lost 25lbs and am ready to complete round 2 16 lost so far which I own has been hard. I gained 3lbs from my drunken midnight Taco Bell blunder but lost all of it after my yogurt day. For all those who described their cheats of an extra bread stick or a glass of wine…girls I ate 5 soft tacos, a Mexican pizza, and I think 6 jack and diet cokes.
Hey if I am going to be bad might as well be super bad then brush it off and get back on plan. My comment thought is how the yogurt day is the best solution ever! I did have a few slices of cucumber too. Best suggestion ever. You rock Chica! I could probably live in Phase 3 the rest of my life. I am doing my first round of HCG through a weight loss clinic. Do I understand correctly that the injections are only through the second phase?
Do you have to go through all phases before starting the program again? If so, how long do you wait in between rounds? So far, I am averaging a pound per day and would like to loose about 90 pounds.
Is the typical experience, with additional rounds the same or decreased? Thank you so much. Thank you so much for having all of these awesome resources and being so inspirational, I truly appreciate it! Also, 5 days in VLCD and 6 pounds down. Hi hcgchica I want know can you do the hcg diet when you had a full hysterectomy? Thanks Ms. I am on day 4 of my very first round of the protocol, and I am doing great and feeling great. I am seeing very quick results and that is keeping me motivated. However, I have a pressing question: I am heading to Mexico in two weeks.
I will be on day 17 of Phase 1. I will be at an all-inclusive, and want to enjoy what they have to offer — I will be there four days…How should this be handled? I have a long way to reaching my goal, and want to continue with the protocol upon my return. Any advise or shared experiences would be helpful, Thanks! The first time I was on this diet I lost 35 lbs. I am doing a second round now but in 12 days I have only lost 2 lbs. Yesterday I could not help myself and cheated. I had enough sweet stuff that I felt sick.
Now what do I do? Should I stop the diet since I was not loosing any weight to begin with or go on? I am taking the injections, by the way. I am on day 37 of HCG and have lost 22 lbs. But for the past 8 days only have lost 1. It this normal??? Hi Sharen! I have a quick question.. Got started on it so surgery on my herniated disc wont be so risky because of my weight.
I started loading thanksgiving day which was pretty awesome. Is it normal to gain weight? I thought about cheating because i love cereal buy ive controlled myself. I also have atleast to bowel movement a day. My hcg counselor was surprised when i told her that. When you cheat does it make a difference if its a tiny bite to a meal?
So just in case i wanna cheat i do a worth cheat. Thank you for reading. This diet is hard mentally. All you ladies are awesome!!! I have a question that seems to not be addressed anywhere. I know that during your period you skip the shots on heavy flow days. So is it recommends that you add an additional shots ant the end so you get the full recommended round of shots?
Or do you have enough hcg in your body from your cycle that it counts as still working in place of the shot? I am four days in and my daughters birthday is on saturday and i was wanting to have a piece of cake with her on her birthday.
Do you think i will gain weight from one small slice? I fell off the wagon, first time ever. I was planning on following protocol the next two days — unless you have a better suggestion?
Appreciate your thoughts. The place I got my hcg through has a calorie plan and with my job they want me at calories. Should I ignore them and stick to calories? So I left out my bread sticks yesterday and left out my afternoon fruit…..
Apparently keep leaving out fruit and bread. As I went through above, cheating on the HCG diet can do little to limit your success. On the other hand, it has the potential to be disastrous.
The hunger control and caloric depletion will maintain this and weight loss will be maintained by it in a really quite fragile relationship. Cheating breaks ketosis. Your body will happily burn off the extra calories you just swamped it with before turning to fat stores as a source of energy. In fact, it may create more fat. This is the basic principle of weight loss: the HCG diet is an extreme version of this.
The real kicker is with the HCG hormone itself. Those cheat calories take on a much greater significance when seen through this light: each calorie taken in will be loaded with a great deal more fat creating potential. Enter your email address below to subscribe to our newsletter. Add Comment. Post Comment. The best online fitness resource you'll ever need. We filter out the BS to ensure you meet your health and fitness goals! Absolutely not! Keep your goals in mind and chase after them. Your hunger levels will also likely rise and cravings will probably intensify following a cheat.