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During childbirth, the veins are further subjected to pressure. However, this condition disappears naturally after giving birth. How do you prevent the occurrence of this medical condition? Doctors recommend more fluid intake, exercise, and maintaining proper posture. It is also important that you change your eating habits: include more fiber-rich foods and stay away from processed foods.
Most patients do not require surgery or medications because their conditions are only temporary. Some heal naturally when they change their eating habits. Doctors usually include in the treatment that isolation of the risk factors and eliminating them.
Once these have been identified, they prescribe topical analgesic to help in the shrinkage of the lumps. If these are left untreated, they can cause more than just discomfort and annoyance.
Treats the underlying cause. Treats the symptoms. Proven to be effective. Efficacy is unproven. Learn more about Hemorrhoid Creams and Home Remedies ».
Intended only for severe cases. No recovery time - return to work the same day. Significant recovery time. No sedation required. Requires sedation. Learn more about Hemorrhoidectomy ». Uses painful metal clamps. Low risk of bleeding. Increased risk of bleeding. Endoscopic Banding No prep required. In a situation where the hemorrhoid is an internal process, then there is an increased chance for it to become prolapsed when not taken care of, by either using natural or medical remedial measures.
Also, hemorrhoid sufferers, at some point in their life, will experience some amount of rectal bleeding, which occurs when tears in the hemorrhoids happen. The amount of blood loss may be just minimal in some, and in some, it can be severe. But even this bleeding from hemorrhoids is usually not a cause of concern in many. However, people who are already on blood thinners, which is usually given to deal with certain heart related problems; or those who are affected with anemia, will need to get their hemorrhoid bleeding under good control, to prevent worsening their overall health condition.
Another fact is that, the size of the hemorrhoid can become so large, that it can make living a normal life so difficult and cumbersome for them, leaving the sufferer with the only option of removing it surgically. And any kind of surgery will be a painful process. It is recommended that hemorrhoid sufferers at least try natural home remedial measures to keep their problem under good control. It is a known fact that constipation can aggravate the condition of hemorrhoids.