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If you have any additional definitions of UTM that should be on this list, or know of any slang terms that we haven't already published, click here to let us know! Slang squad! Multimedia Gallery. Park Passes. Technical Announcements. Employees in the News. Emergency Management.
Survey Manual. UTM is the acronym for Universal Transverse Mercator, a plane coordinate grid system named for the map projection on which it is based Transverse Mercator. The UTM system consists of 60 zones, each 6-degrees of longitude in width. The zones are numbered , beginning at degrees longitude and increasing to the east. One system is no more or less accurate than the other.
They are just two different ways of positioning a point. The proportion chosen for a particular map is its scale. Some units also provide services such as remote routing, network address translation NAT , and virtual private network VPN support. The allure of the solution is based on simplicity, so organizations that may have had individual vendors or appliances for each separate security task can now have them all under one vendor umbrella, supported by one IT team or segment, and run through one console.
Unified threat management appliances have gained traction in the industry due to the emergence of blended threats, which are combinations of different types of malware and attacks that target separate parts of the network simultaneously. Preventing these types of attacks can be difficult when using separate appliances and vendors for each specific security task, as each aspect has to be managed and updated individually in order to remain current in the face of the latest forms of malware and cybercrime.
By creating a single point of defense and providing a single console, UTM solutions make dealing with varied threats much easier. Term » Abbr. Filter by: Select category from list Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of UTM? Discuss these UTM abbreviations with the community: 0 Comments.
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