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What do warthogs taste like - max

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Biggest deal is making sure that cook or Chef knows what they are up to. If they do, you will get some great tasting meals. Some times a less experienced cook wants to cook the meat too long and it gets tough. There are plenty of new tastes to be tried. G Skinner AH fanatic. I liked everything I ate when I was in Namibia The 1 st I ate was Ostrich I was quite surprised when they brought me a piece of meat , not unlike a beef steak.

Also surprising was the lack of a so called gamey flavor. Be for warned though you will get a very strange look from your N. American comrades if and when you tell them you ate Dik Dik and enjoyed it.

Grage AH legend. Eland is good to great depending on cut of the meat. Impala steak and liver were great wildebeest was good and it depends on your cook. Bushpig was good Warthog was real good Blesbuck is good Cape buffalo is good - dried cape buffalo with maze with the men was good also.

Kudu was good I am sure that i am missing a few James just reminded me. Biltong, Impala and Kudu hands down is great. I ate more of it than I can even begin tell you. You'll be hooked. It beats Jerky by a country mile or two K. This is great guys and gals! Some of the best meals I have ever ate are grilled over a wood fire after a day of hunting with a good glass of whiskey in my hand!

CAustin Bronze supporter. I found a Wildebeest steak to be great. Now nothing so far was as good as the Cape Buffalo tenderloin is simply outstanding!

Cape Buffalo, Eland, Kudu,gemsbuck, Wildebeest, Warthog, springbuck, bushbuck is the order I rate based on what we ate on our first safari. Rob Bronze supporter. AH legend. I liked Grilled Kudu and Impala Filet.

Last edited: Apr 5, Rob44 said:. Click to expand You are correct,,I generally stay out of other people kitchens, took allmost a week to before Sabina would let me get my own Windhoek. Velo Dog Silver supporter. All that I have eaten in Africa was outstanding 15 or so species of antelopes, from klipspringer through eland plus, cape buffalo, warthog, grouse, ostrich and domestic sheep.

American deer family. I did not ever taste a hint of it in Africa. Last but not least, I admit to rather enjoying our pronghorn as table fare and our deer as pretty good if not stinky old buck in the rut so, perhaps my taste buds are askew. Hank Gold supporter. Funny all the comments about zebra. I have often had it in South Africa, always barbequed.

As noted, the fat is butter yellow, and I've found it a bit on the sweet side for my taste. Would not seek it out. Of the antelopes, sable and gemsbuck are delicious, as is wildebeest blue, can't comment on black. Eland tastes the most like beef, in a good way. Buffalo blackstrap is excellent, as is oxtail stew.

Have it every time I get a buffalo. Bongo and bushbuck are both good. In fact I think all the spiral horned are excellent. Duiker not so much. Impala are good everyday table fare as is warthog. I haven't been able to convince anyone to cook waterbuck, even though they all say if properly prepared it can be very good. I have eaten giraffe, including tongue, and either I have the smell in my nose or the meat actually does smell.

Not something I would rush to eat again. I know that cats are eaten, but not yet by me. My trackers once gave hyena to the local police, which they thought was very funny. They have large, flattened molars and a modified jaw articulation perfect for grinding grass, in summer, and the harder bulbs, tubers and rhizomes unearthed during the dry season.

The head is flat and downward-facing terminating in the rounded cartilage snout that encloses the nostrils and is hardened on the upper side. This acts like a shovel to dig for tasty tit-bits up to cm deep under even hard earth.

Where antelope process their food in a complex 4-chambered stomach, this ungulate or hoofed animal has only one stomach into which it piles relatively coarse-textured plant material. The transit time through its stomach is faster than in ruminants that must first refine their food by chewing the cud. Are warthogs from the wild? What is the collective noun of warthogs?

What eats a warthog? How long do warthogs stay with their mum? Do warthogs eat kangaroo? Are warthogs omnivores? Do warthogs live on land? What colors are warthogs? Do warthogs stink? Why are wathogs called warthogs? Do warthogs eat grubs? Do warthogs live in the American Continents? How many warthogs are around the world? Do warthogs eat deer? What does elephant meat taste like? Does chicken taste like everything or does everything just taste like chicken?

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