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Please do research before you answer a question this important. Thank you. My SSN is 10 digits, there are only nine spaces Not a problem. Simple to prove it is only 9 digits. My SSN is 10 digits, there are only nine spaces I have a Social Security Card dated - and the number is 10 digits long perhaps they have changed this.

Thanks for the links. My SSN is 10 digits, there are only nine spaces See answer below. Since , when SSA began assigning SSNs and issuing cards centrally from Baltimore, the area number assigned has been based on the ZIP code in the mailing address provided on the application for the original Social Security card.

The applicant's mailing address does not have to be the same as their place of residence. Thus, the Area Number does not necessarily represent the State of residence of the applicant, either prior to or since.

Generally, numbers were assigned beginning in the northeast and moving westward. At the inception of the program, all SSN s were assigned and cards issued based solely on information provided by the applicant. However, in the s, SSA began requiring proof of age, identity, and citizenship. SSA has instituted numerous evidentiary requirements to further safeguard and preserve the integrity of the SSN and to ensure assignment of SSN s and issuance of cards only to eligible individuals.

Exhibit 1 shows the effective dates of changes in policy on evidentiary requirements. The original purpose of the SSN was to enable the Social Security Board to maintain accurate records of the earnings of individuals who worked in jobs covered under the Social Security program. The card was never intended to serve as a personal identification document—that is, it does not establish that the person presenting the card is actually the person whose name and SSN appear on the card.

Although SSA has made the card counterfeit-resistant, the card does not contain information that would allow it to be used as proof of identity. However, the simplicity and efficiency of using a unique number that most people already possess has encouraged widespread use of the SSN by both government agencies and private enterprises, especially as they have adapted their recordkeeping and business systems to automated data processing.

Use of the SSN as a convenient means of identifying people in large systems of records has increased over the years and its expanded use appears to be an enduring trend.

Generally, there are no restrictions in federal law precluding the use of the SSN by the private sector, so businesses may ask individuals for an SSN whenever they wish Streckewald Although there was considerable delay in other agencies adopting its use, the coming of the computer age in the s led government agencies and private industry alike to find many uses for the SSN. In , an SSA task force studied issues raised by nonprogram use of the SSN and proposed that SSA take a "cautious and conservative" position and do nothing to promote its use as an identifier.

Nevertheless, Congressional legislation and federal agency regulations require the collection of SSN s for myriad purposes, as detailed in Exhibit 2. With the many purposes legally requiring an SSN , the need for a U. Unfortunately, this universality has led to abuse of the SSN. Most notoriously, the SSN is a key piece of information used to commit identity theft.

According to the Federal Trade Commission FTC , "Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personally identifying information, like your name, Social Security number, or credit card number, without your permission, to commit fraud or other crimes. Identity theft has reached such proportions that President George W. The task force reported:. Because individuals sometimes use SSN s that do not belong to them, either through error or deliberately, it is important to ensure that an SSN matches SSA records before accepting it.

Registered private employers can also verify a worker's SSN. In addition, SSA receives requests for SSN verification from third parties who have obtained the consent of the individuals involved. However, SSN s were in use for many years before electronic verification was in place. During the s, SSA initiated a manual screening routine of the microfilm file to search for a previously assigned number.

In , SSA created the Automated Enumeration Screening Process AESP to run every application for an original or replacement card through the Alphident since converted to a database linked to the Numident file to determine if the data on the incoming record match one or more existing records using a complex scoring system.

If a potential match is indicated between an existing record and an application for an original SSN , the field office is alerted to resolve the matter. Having multiple systems allows SSA to customize the input and output. Those for external entities generally indicate whether the data submitted match SSA records, and whether the SSN holder has died, but will not disclose additional information to the requestor.

A few examples are described below. The recent consent of the SSN holder to release the information is required. When a person lacking a valid driver's license registers to vote, the individual can provide his or her name, date of birth, and the last four digits of his or her SSN instead.

Real-time service is provided for 10 requests or less, and overnight processing is provided for up to , SSN s.

The employer receives an electronic response indicating either that employment is authorized or that the data do not match the information in SSA 's or DHS ' records. Use of the verification program is voluntary in most parts of the United States, but 13 states require certain employers to use it for new hires.

Citizenship and Immigration Services website indicates that , employers, representing close to , worksites, were registered to use E-Verify as of February A proposed amendment to the Omnibus Appropriations Act to extend authorization for the E-Verify program for 5 years was tabled; the bill instead extended authorization through September 30, In addition to developing verification systems to allow authorized users to determine if SSN information matches SSA data, SSA has also taken steps to help guard against fraudulent Social Security cards.

Because an SSN is needed for work and has been adopted for many other uses, a market for counterfeit Social Security cards has developed. SSA has taken and continues to take steps to strengthen the integrity of the Social Security card and guard against its misuse. One of the first steps was to distinguish whether cards were valid for work purposes.

Initially, the nonwork cards looked the same as cards issued to citizens and aliens authorized to work. In May , SSA began annotating cards issued for nonwork purposes with the legend "not valid for employment. The Omnibus Reconciliation Act P. In , section c 2 G of the Social Security Act was amended to require that the "social security card shall be made of bank-note paper and to the maximum extent practicable shall be a card which cannot be counterfeited" P.

Changes were made to the card stock to make any attempt to erase or remove data easily detectable, and a form of printing with a raised effect that is difficult to replicate was used. Other features not obvious to the naked eye were also added. In , to prevent photocopy counterfeits, a security feature that displays as "void" when photocopied was added.

Also in , legislation increased the monetary penalties for SSN violations. Immigration and welfare reform legislation enacted in August P.

The prototype was to be made of a durable, tamper-resistant material such as plastic or polyester; was to employ technologies that provide security features, such as magnetic stripes, holograms, and integrated circuits; and was to provide individuals with reliable proof of citizenship or legal resident alien status.

SSA interpreted this provision as calling for consideration of techniques that could link the card to the assigned number holder, such as including identifying information about the card holder on the card itself, or adding the number holder's picture, fingerprint, biometric identifier, or some combination of such features in or on the card Donnelly The seven options that SSA developed included:.

The estimates included the costs of verifying the identity of the applicant and establishing a system to collect a user fee Donnelly SSA was not required to adopt any of the options. In , the IRTPA legislation required SSA , in consultation with DHS , to form an interagency task force to establish requirements for further improving the security of Social Security cards and numbers and to provide for implementation of those requirements.

The task force issued its recommendations in May As a result, additional security features were added to the card in These include:. Other features added to the card are not apparent to the naked eye and for security reasons are not disclosed to the public.

Another change made to the Social Security card in was to put the first name and last name of the card holder on separate lines. This change was recommended by employer groups to help them distinguish the correct last name of an employee. The expertise of counterfeiters and the widespread availability of state-of-the-art technology make it increasingly difficult to develop and maintain a document that cannot be counterfeited.

SSA continues to evaluate new technology as it becomes available to determine if additional features should be included to make it more difficult to alter or counterfeit the card. In addition to the physical changes made to the Social Security card, SSA has taken many other steps to strengthen the integrity of the enumeration process by requiring evidence of age, citizenship, and identity, and by verifying this information, as noted in the section on evidentiary requirements. The use of the SSN has expanded substantially since its inception in That trend has begun to shift.

In , the President's Identity Theft Task Force , 3 included among its SSN recommendations that "federal agencies should reduce the unnecessary use of SSN s, the most valuable commodity for an identity thief. On November 18, , President George W. Then in December, the FTC issued a plea to companies, schools, and other private entities to find better ways to authenticate identities than using the SSN. State and local entities have begun to delete SSN s on electronic versions of public records.

Congress has also considered legislation that would require the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to use an alternative to the SSN as the Medicare claim number. The agency now advises individuals to keep their Social Security card in a safe place and not to carry it with them SSA a.

Federal survey-takers are also finding that as respondents have become more aware of the risk of identity theft, they are less willing to supply SSN s that are useful in linking the agency's survey data with administrative records from other agencies. For the Census Bureau's Survey of Income and Program Participation, the share of respondents who did not provide their SSN increased from 12 percent in to 35 percent in Likewise, the share of respondents who did not provide an SSN for the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey increased from 10 percent in to almost 23 percent in Bates , 4.

The National Center for Health Statistics reports a similar problem. Still, it is highly unlikely that use of the SSN as a unique identifier will cease entirely. In order to share data among government agencies or between commercial firms, a unique identifier to match records is critically important, and the SSN is the one unique tag that follows an individual throughout life.

People may change their names and addresses throughout their lives, but their SSN s generally will remain the same. The SSN is here to stay for the foreseeable future. SSA will continue to assess its policies and procedures to further strengthen the integrity of the enumeration process to prevent SSN fraud and misuse, as well as to protect the important personal information with which it is entrusted. Payment of monthly benefits was initially postponed until January ; the Amendments to the Social Security Act moved the date up to January See Interview with Jack Futterman at www.

Barron, Erma, and Felix Bamberger. Meaning of the Social Security number. Social Security Bulletin 45 11 : 29— Bates, Nancy. Quantitative testing of informed consent questions in an RDD survey: Summary report, phase 2: questionnaire design and evaluation research survey. Unpublished Census Bureau document. Corson, John J. Administering Old-Age Insurance. Social Security Bulletin 1 5 : 3—6. Available at www. Department of Treasury, Division of Tax Research.

The extension of old-age and survivors insurance to agricultural and domestic service workers and to the self-employed.

Reports Book, — Vol 2. Washington, DC. DeWitt, Larry W. Social Security: A documentary history. Donnelly, Glenna. Counterfeiting and misuse of the Social Security card and state and local documents. July Committee on the Judiciary Serial No. No date. About identity theft. Fay, Joseph L. Accounting operations of the Bureau of Old-Age Insurance.

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