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Should i void mcat score - dzy

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Here is a paraphrased quote from my MCAT biology professor:. If you begin having a heart attack during the test should you void your score? You get to the damn hospital as fast as possible. Own up to this exam and do your best. If your score is terrible, acknowledge your mistakes and fix them. Instead of making excuses, you will show admission committees that you have grown during this whole process. Also, putting the idea of voiding your MCAT scores in your head can affect your performance.

Also, a bad MCAT score is not necessarily a bad thing. What about some weird environmental situation? Go back and listen to Episode 40 where we talked about the last minute tips for the MCAT, including those last three weeks or so before your test date. This will help you have a feeling about where you should be. So to void the exam, you have to get all the way up to the end. There will be a question about whether you want your exam voided or not.

They can tend to have that OCD where they have to get everything right. Nobody feels like the MCAT went well. They take the different sections and they do well in them. But the first time they actually sit down for seven and a half hours is the real test day. When all else fails, you can ask yourself these 3 questions on whether to void your scores.

Keep in mind that registering to take the MCAT is not the end-all. You can always make changes to your registration or reschedule the MCAT if you make the decision with time to spare. Let us know your experience in deciding on whether voiding MCAT scores is right for you. Comment below! Are you looking at registering for the MCAT?

Have a look at the MCAT registration dates as well as testing location information. Kristine Thorndyke December 19, Facebook Twitter Youtube. What does the MCAT test? How much does the MCAT cost? When is the MCAT? Is it bad to rewrite the MCAT? What is voiding? Should I void? Extenuating Circumstances.

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