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A well maintained routine with cardio helps with becoming disciplined in life and seeing improvements in setting targets and goals, improving levels of motivation for going after those goals, improvements in moods and self-confidence, and a positive outlook on life, which in turn helps with relationships.
It pushes the heart and blood flow to the maximum, which puts a direct strain on various activities in the body, which in turn push the metabolism an fat burning to the max as well. This greatly improves the results obtained from cardio activities while spending less time. Since, running is just another cardiovascular activity.
Taking a pre workout before running is definitely going to help. It will help boost energy levels and keep them steady through out the running activity and help you run farther and with improved intensity, specually when it comes to HIIT running or sprinting.
C4 Pre workout has become one of the most famous pre workout supplement for men before initiating any cardio activity. While its equally beneficial for women, and is fine for consumption before both cardio and strength training activities.
While the Cellucor C4 is also great in taste, and keeps you energetic through the workout process and keeps you from suffering any downtime due to dwindling energy levels after the workout.
Cardio Cuts pre workout GNC is another popular and good tasting pre workout supplement. It has some added ingredients which help you more than just the energetic rejuvenation. In particular, it has the Linoleic Acid and Medium chain Triglycerides which help with improving the burning of the fat.
On top of that, the Beta Alanine helps you work out harder for a longer period of time. This is one of the most recommended pre workout supplements by trainers and fitness enthusiasts.
There has been a lot of research on this subject. C4 is banned in many sports because of an ingredient that C4 contains, synephrine, which may give athletes an edge over their opponent Corpus Compendium, As the name suggests, pre-workout should be taken before a workout, and although many people drink it on their way to the gym or during their workout, it should be taken at least 30 to 60 minutes prior to hitting the weights or cardio machines.
The major energy-boosting element of most pre-workout supplements is caffeine. Excessive intake of this stimulant can lead to negative side effects, such as increased blood pressure, impaired sleep, and anxiety 8. It is used to provide long-lasting energy, mental alertness, strength, and endurance, helping to reduce fatigue during workouts.
The C4 is primarily used to increase energy and endurance. It functions as a stimulant, containing a healthy dose of caffeine and creatine which both give the body an energy boost. Have you ever taken pre-workout or any other supplements as part of your fitness routine?
This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. My Experience! So if you want to know: What Pre-workout is? Will it help you? My experience taking it for the first time and a taste review And Where To Buy Then keep on reading… Keeping fit is important. Progressing with running has always been hard for me. Do you find it tiring and boring? What Is Pre-Workout? It can help boost your physical performance when working out and partaking in sport, it can even boost mental performance.
Key Point: Cardio helps to burn fat, keep you fit and improve your overall quality of life and health status. Pre workout supplements are specifically designed to boost athletic performance. And they do this by targeting a number of physiological pathways. They improve maximal strength, time to fatigue at high intensity, your speed and power for example.
A study published in the prestigious journal JISSN [1] found that when a group of 24 trained athletes used a pre workout containing nutrients such as caffeine , citrulline malate and creatine over a 3-week period, their maximum oxygen consumption, running speed at high intensity and lean body mass all improved when combined with HIIT training.
Another study, this time published in Nutrition and Metabolism [2] found that a supplement containing caffeine, B-vitamins, creatine and other nutrients helped to improve both time-to-fatigue during endurance exercise and perceived feelings of fatigue too. A large review paper published in the high-ranking journal Sports Medicine, suggested that caffeine-based supplements such as pre workouts had a performance-enhancing benefit on endurance exercise [3].
Not only that, but that they could spare muscle glycogen and increase fat burning as well. And another study reported that combining caffeine and creatine two popular pre workout nutrients helped to improve not only strength and muscle contractions, but endurance performance too [4]. Pre workout supplements are designed with one aim in mind — to improve your sports performance.