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Should i close scanner - pua

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So I've been working at my code, but I ran into two problems. When I try to close my scanner I run into a java. IllegalStateException: Scanner closed. Additionally, my code produces an endless loop, but I've been looking at it for hours but I don't know what's wrong. I'm a beginner at Java so I haven't learned about hashmap or Buffered Readers yet. Thank you for all your help. You should close the Scanner after you're done using it.

That sample has you closing at the end of the loop, so it tries to check for more data in the while condition and fails. It looks like you are closing the scanner in your while loop. You have to close it outside the loop.

You get the exception because after the first loop iteration the scanner is closed. Attempting to perform search operations after a scanner has been closed will result in an IllegalStateException. You are closing the scanner right after the first iteration after the first line is read.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. For home or office scanners we recommend a base station antenna, such as the Discone for all-band monitoring. If you want to really improve performance on a single radio band, check out our professional base station antennas, either omnidirectional or directional for most receiver gain.

Aiming a yagi beam antenna at a station or region that uses a common band such as MHz trunking or MHz UHF will pull in signals you never dreamed of. For mobile scanners we urge you to mount a mobile antenna somewhere on your vehicle. Getting the antenna out from under the steel roof of your car or truck will provide a huge improvement. Not everyone wants another antenna on their car so we offer various types and mounting options.

For portable scanners you can buy antennas tuned to specific bands such as MHz for improved trunking performance for example, but other bands will suffer. Software - For all scanners with a PC connection we highly recommend scanner software which will make programming easier and operation more enjoyable. If you're not convinced go online and check out the demo software from Butel that we offer for many models.

We note that because radio law sometimes, but extremely rarely, changes, and because we are not attorneys, you should check your state, local and federal laws if you have any concerns.

There are a few states that have laws on the books regarding the use of scanners in motor vehicles. Kentucky, Indiana, New York and Florida come to mind.

There are a few additional states where it's illegal to use a scanner in the furtherance of a crime. At any rate, because It is also illegal to decrypt encrypted communications. Luckily, relatively few public safety agencies in the U. In other parts of the world, particularly we know in Europe, the public safety radio systems cannot be monitored.

Scanners are a well regarded and respected tool for the news media, public safety agencies themselves, and for the general public.

Americans like to be in the know. They like to be aware of what's going on around them and they like to help the police and fire services whenever possible, by reporting crime, fire, and the like. Knowing what the local authorities are doing and perhaps helping without interfering -- very important after having heard something on-the-air, benefits us all.

So scanners are completely legal to own in your home, on your person, and, in almost all states, in your vehicle. They help you build a healthy respect for the job our public servants our doing while at the same time keeping you in the know. Buy a scanner radio today and be informed and enjoy! There are many reasons why and below we've just begun to cover them. Resource leak happens when a program doesn't release the resources it has acquired.

Should I close scanner Java? There is no need to close the scanner. Not closing might generate some warnings although. As soon as the block in which you defined Scanner object is over the garbage collection does your job for you.

How do you use a scanner class? Scanner Class in Java To create an object of Scanner class, we usually pass the predefined object System. To read strings, we use nextLine. To read a single character, we use next. What is close in Java? The close method of Reader Class in Java is used to close the stream and release the resources that were busy in the stream, if any.

This method has following results: If the stream is open, it closes the stream releasing the resources. If the stream is already closed, it will have no effect. Why we use SC close in Java? Generally you don't need to close Scanner unless you wish it to fail for subsequent reads.

A single Scanner instance can be instantiated at application startup to avoid the overhead of 2 instances. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Podcast The first ten years of our programming lives. Upcoming Events. Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile.

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