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Stop the Minecraft application before creating a backup. Select the device and open the Apps-viewer. This will show two, so called, documents: "games" and "internal". These are non-browsable directories in iTunes. Select the "games"-folder and press the "Save to Now select your backup destination, and wait until all files are copied to this location. Inside the [World folder] is a file named "levelname. This file contains the name of the world.
Changing this file doesn't alter the name inside the game. Opening the "level. I dont't recommend changing the LevelName outside the Game.
But this file is usefull for identifying the name of a world. Restoring to Andriod can be done with the "My Files" application. Copy the folder from the backup location to the minecraftWorlds-folder. Or download and extract your backup-zipfile from Google Drive. Don't forget to delete the zipfile after extracting. Restoring the minecraft worlds on an iOS device overwrites all existing worlds on the device. And I recommend to make an additional backup, before restoring World data.
Restoring is the opposite of a backup. Use the "Add file There will be a message that the folder already exists. Select "Replace" and wait until all files are copied to the device. There is no need to restore the entire backup. Just remember that the "Games" folder is the main folder. It's possible to delete or even duplicate worlds inside the Games folder before restoring.
Backup and restore using an iOS device is the easyest. But has one disadvantage: iTunes copies all your worlds to a single folder with multiple subfolders. Restoring, from this folder, overwrites all existing worlds on the iOS device. But it's possible to alter or merge backup folders before restoring.
On Android it's possible to backup and restore one folder at a time. The "My Files" app gives direct access to the filesystem. You can keep your backups on the same device e.
And the best of all: Minecraft Worlds are OS independent. It's possible to restore an iOS backup on an Android device and vice versa. If you liked this Instructable, and you want to receive updates about future projects, you can follow me on Instructables , Instagram or on Youtube. Question 4 months ago on Step 1. Question 1 year ago on Step 1. Answer 4 months ago. Question 9 months ago on Step 1. Reply 1 year ago. Wait, so you mean, I can't access them to save them?
I tried switching to external and also application and it didnt work. What do you suggest? This is not just about switching between external and application memory, because switch does NOT mean copy worlds between location. Reply 2 years ago. Actually, I had thought that Microsoft would eventually make a solution for this.
And I never thought about making an app for this. But because this is my most visited instructable! I have not yet tested your app, but it looks good in the app store! My daughter is using Minecraft for Android.
We are switching a broken phone to a new phone of the exact same model. I tried saving to external and application and have gone through the steps listed and when I go into the "minecraftWorlds" folder, it is empty, but it still shows all of the worlds on the app of her original phone.
I also tried moving the app to the external SD card before installing it into the new phone and it still did not help. I have to return the broken phone in a few days or else I face paying hundreds of dollars! Please help! What do I do? Tip 1 year ago. You are an absolute lifesaver!! My son had 52 worlds containing amazing creations by everyone in the family and you made it possible for me to save them and even back them up to my phone!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!! Question 2 years ago on Introduction. Question 2 years ago. This was a great instructable!
The game rule will be changed for your world. Now, let's see what happens to your inventory when you die in the game. As you can see in the Respawn window above, your items are still in your hotbar. You did not throw them in front of you when you died this time. Now, click the Respawn button to rejoin the game. Here you are back in the game. Your items are still in your hotbar and also in your other inventory rows.
You won't have to find where you last died in the game to reacquire your items. Congratulations, you just learned how to use the keepInventory cheat to save your inventory items when you die and respawn in Minecraft! While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. D ig M inecraft. Please re-enable JavaScript in your browser settings. How to Keep Inventory when you Die in Minecraft This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use a game command to save your inventory after dying with screenshots and step-by-step instructions.
Requirements To run game commands in Minecraft, you have to turn cheats on in your world. Share on:. Pocket Edition PE. Xbox