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Is it possible to save the qunari mage - dhf

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User Info: drakejcl. I played through every scenerio just to try. Live Free Die Young Gamertag: drakejcl. User Info: Jayveson. That one legitimately made me sad Drake, I too reloaded my save and went through all the options. Shucks, he seemed badass.

I wish I could trade my random elf mage for him, his character design was sick. Anyways, oh well. Thanks for the answers. To be fair you can hardly be expected to be walking around a town on the verge of hysteria about the Quanari and mages while you have a Quanari mage just casually by your side. More topics from this board Equip elemental damage best? Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X.

Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. User Info: Corzya. User Info: Crysiania. All qunari mages who follow the qun have their mouths sewn shut and wear heavy chains and have a partner who can control them so they basically are slaves. The qunari you can play as do not follow the qun. I know all this from a side quest in dragon age 2 that had one.

User Info: oni Yep I have a quinari female mage. There is a lot of dialog about being quinari and you can talk to Vivianne about the circle vs quinari mages.

That sounds pretty neat, thanks for the indepth answer Crysiania! My first playthrough was Elven Mage. I felt like I missed out on a lot of conversation options because a lot of the time people will react to you being either a mage, or an elf, but not an elf mage. If you split the two classes apart, you can experience both those conversation lines in different playthroughs.

Being a Qunari Mage is more of a distinction, as Qunari Mages are enslaved in their homeland and it seems like everyone just loves bringing that up in small talk. More topics from this board Slow start? How do I solve Lion's Pavillion? Side Quest 2 Answers How to get into Redcliffe village?

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