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Ahead, we've rounded up buys. Trust us—we've done a lot of trawling. Despite its size the unique home comes with features including a roll top bath and a sunken terrace. Being 18 is hard enough. The last thing you need is mental health troubles or, in my case, a staggering diagnosis.
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An article published by WWD reported that Jacquemus is partnering with Puig, the Spanish beauty titan, on an undisclosed beauty line. Read full article. Marie Claire Dorking. Surprise baby! Story continues.
Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. Latest stories. Yahoo Life UK. Country Living. Who What Wear. Ultrasound is especially important in detecting any health problems the baby may have developed, which can be addressed or treated once detected. Women who don't know they're pregnant until they're in labor are often in shock over their situation.
How can this be if they used a contraceptive while having sex? Although contraceptives such as birth control pills and condoms are highly effective in preventing pregnancy, they aren't percent successful. When contraceptives aren't used correctly, their effectiveness drops significantly. For example, missing a birth control pill or not taking it at the same time every day can increase your chances of getting pregnant if you have unprotected sex.
Using expired condoms that are more likely to break can also increase this risk. You should consult your doctor if you're unsure of whether switching birth control methods compromises your protection against pregnancy. Some women have claimed that switching from oral contraceptives to injected forms left them susceptible to an unexpected pregnancy.
Being pregnant requires several lifestyle changes, including monitoring and discussing medication use with a doctor. While your physician may approve the temporary use of certain over-the-counter medications, keep in mind that not all drugs are healthy for you and your baby [source: WebMD ]. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any drug, especially if it's a supplement or requires a prescription.
On the other hand, don't refuse to take medicine altogether if you need it and you've discussed your situation with your doctor. In some circumstances, a woman might not know she's pregnant because she believes her pregnancy symptoms are caused by some other health problem. Women with a history of ovarian complications such as tumors or cysts may attribute discomfort or pain to their previous condition. Since not all women have medical insurance , this sometimes makes them reluctant to seek medical advice if they believe they have a health problem.
Other women think their symptoms will go away, so they often skip out on seeing their local doctor. Past health problems or not, a visit to the doctor can put your suspicions to rest or lead you to the treatment you need. Prenatal care requires taking well-researched steps to ensure the best health for you and your child during the early weeks of pregnancy. Eating right, quitting smoking, avoiding certain environmental exposures and taking approved prenatal vitamins are a few recommendations from the U.
Office of Women's Health [source: WomensHealth. Sign up for our Newsletter! Mobile Newsletter banner close. Mobile Newsletter chat close. Mobile Newsletter chat dots. Mobile Newsletter chat avatar. Mobile Newsletter chat subscribe. Pregnancy Issues. She didn't know she was pregnant? It's more common than you would think. Keep reading for 10 reasons it could happen to you.
See more pregnancy pictures. Knowing for Sure. How Much to Expect. Call the Doctor. Hiding Can Be Dangerous. Fertility Fact. Think You're Pregnant? Understanding Ultrasounds. Consider Your Medications. To learn more about pregnancy, browse the resources on the next page. What is Prenatal Care? Sources BBC News. Long-term follow-up of vasectomized men. May 30, Is there a particular hormonal cause?
Cite This! More Awesome Stuff. Lerner Maslow. This happens after the first trimester, when levels of a pregnancy hormone can be so high, they essentially overwhelm the test, she explains. As the pregnancy continues, it's possible to not notice your abdomen growing, or to have abdominal growth that's very hard to detect or barely presents itself. Not every mom-to-be sports an obvious bump. The pregnancy fatigue that many women deal with can easily be confused with other conditions, such as an autoimmune disorder, anemia, or insomnia, Orlando-based ob-gyn Christine Greves, MD, tells Health.
On top of physical signs that can go unnoticed, there could also be underlying psychological reasons for not recognizing pregnancy, like denial. Maybe a woman understands that she's pregnant on some level, but she doesn't know how to deal with it or she feels embarrassed or ashamed.
Some women fear finally going to a doctor when they're very far along, afraid that they'll be judged for not knowing their own bodies. If a woman is unaware of her pregnancy, she not only misses out on taking the prenatal vitamins that are super beneficial to her child's growth and development, but she might also continue to drink alcohol or take drugs—both of which can be harmful to the developing baby.
And if she has a medical condition like diabetes or high blood pressure , her pregnancy could be in jeopardy without medical intervention, says Dr. Not only can it be psychologically traumatizing, but it also gives you zero time to prepare for taking on such a huge responsibility.
The human body is a weird, weird thing, and with all the ways a woman can not realize she has a baby on board, we're not going to judge. If you've skipped a period, or you're feeling unusually nauseous or exhausted, we suggest seeing your doctor to find out why—so you won't be facing a major surprise month down the line.