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How old is smithers - pnq

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Administered and maintained by the Bulkley Valley Museum, today the Old Church is a popular community events space for dozens of weddings, lectures, parties, meetings, concerts, and performances each year. The Old Church Garden was developed in as a public urban green space.

The gardens rely on the work of enthusiastic volunteers for their upkeep. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the Museum at For full fee information, including special rates for longer rentals, as well as deposit information and pricing for additional amenities please click here to view a copy of the Old Church Rental Package. For availability please contact the Bulkley Valley Museum Renters are responsible for reading all public health policies and ensuring their use of the Old Church is allowed under current health orders , and additional restrictions in the Northern Health health authority.

The Museum reserves the right to decline bookings that we feel will contravene current health restrictions. The Museum is not responsible for providing guidance on current health orders.

Alfred Avenue is also named after him. Lake Kathlyn, one of the most familiar spots in the Smithers area, is named after the daughter of William P. In , Smithers was designated as the first incorporated village in British Columbia.

Development of local mineral and agricultural resources were encouraged and a steady economic growth was realized. In , Smithers moved from the status of village to incorporated town. Pioneer settlers made Smithers their home because of the fertile valley soil, abundant mineral riches, and imposing coniferous forests. Many of the non-traditional names of mountain ranges in the area reflect the prospecting efforts of the early settlers, including Silver King Basin.

The name Wet'suwet'en can be roughly translated as "People of the lower hills". Burns when attempting to "toe-hop" as a gesture had his shin bones snap off, forcing him to waddle off, with his ruefully implying that this was not the first time such a thing happened and presumably proceeded to incense him enough that he became part of the angry mob that tried to beat Homer up as retribution later on.

Burns' medical treatment includes a weekly procedure that he goes through every Friday evening after work. First, his chiropractors perform a slight spinal adjustment.

Then, a team of doctors administers eye drops in his eyes which causes his pupils to dilate very huge , painkillers, and a painful vocal chord scraping that is done by Dr. Nick ; its purpose is to postpone his death for one week. This makes him become temporarily "nice". He also glows green, a result of working in a sub-standard nuclear plant for ages causing his body to accumulate tons of radiation. Burns' appearance once caused Homer to mistake him for an alien.

He once broke all his bones after falling from his office window and being crushed by his stuffed polar bear during a fight between Smithers and Homer. Burns is almost entirely work-oriented. At the nuclear plant, Burns spends most of time in his office, monitoring his employees via closed-circuit security cameras.

In his office, he keeps a team of ten high-priced lawyers, a scale model of Springfield, [] a special microbe-resistant chamber, [] a two-seat escape pod, and the "League of Evil" - a sinister cabal whose members are long deceased, but whose skeletons remain.

Kent Brockman also credits Burns with having stolen Christmas from to As evidenced by his role in the series, Burns has owned or co-owned a number of business ventures and companies in Springfield, including the Monty Burns Casino later demolished , [] the Little Lisa Recycling Plant , [] the Burns Slant Drilling Co.

He owns the rights to the song, White Christmas, after blowing the chance to buy Picasso's painting Guernica , but the song ended up earning him billions; one of many possible results of his riches other than his family inheritance after being the youngest of a large family - who all died - and numerous other examples.

The town is routinely subject to Burns' abuse, and there is a general dislike of him throughout the town. When Homer goes to his office, Mr. Burns mistakes him for the ghost of his former partner.

He usually releases a whole lot of hounds towards guests implied only to drive out the guests from the house and without the actual intention of hurting the guests []. If a guest put him in a particularly good mood, he will return the favor by significantly reducing the number of hounds released to one.

The interior of the mansion includes a room containing a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters, [] a bottomless pit, a hedge maze, a moat, bleached hardwood floors, [] a human chessboard, [] the largest television in the free world, a "Hall of Patriots" that commemorates his ancestors, [] a laboratory, a botanical garden of vultures bearing his likeness, a safe containing a Beefeater guard, [] a theater that is showing round-the-clock movies and shows which plays regardless whether there is an audience or not, a TV studio and a CCTV room.

His residence also contains a closet full of clothes made from many different types of animals, such as a vest made from a gorilla's chest and loafers made from gophers. The mansion is also home to many rare historical artifacts including the only existing nude photo of Mark Twain, [] the suit that Charlie Chaplin was buried in, [] King Arthur's mythical sword Excalibur, and a rare first draft of the Constitution with the word "suckers" in it.

Aside from his main residence, he also has a summer retreat , which ended up being squatted in by the Simpson family as part of a movie. Burns has been engaged at least three times: A woman named Gertrude who died of loneliness and rabies, [] to Jacqueline Bouvier , [] and to a policewoman named Gloria Jailbird. He was once involved with a fellow student during his time at Yale University named Mimsy Bancroft , and then later had an affair with her daughter, Lily. Agnes Skinner revealed that she once had an affair with Mr.

Burns during the Great Depression "let him feel me up". Burns' first name Charles. Burns' great-great-grandmother's sister-in-law's brother's fourth great-grandson is Homer Simpson. Another line to Trixie Simpson goes like this:. If we carry on, we find out that Homer is also Burns' grandmother's sister-in-law who is also her second cousin 's grandmother's brother's fourth great-grandson. Also, Mr. Burns and Homer are actually related by marriage which makes Bart being Burns' heir extremely ironic, because Bart would be related to him.

Burns had a strained relationship with his own mother, whom he apparently tried to kill at least once, for having had an affair with President Taft. Burns is a member of various organizations. In his early years, while he was a college student at Yale University, he was a member of the Skull and Bones society. During World War II, Burns became a member of the Flying Hellfish squad, a group of soldiers who entered into a tontine regarding the ownership of German artwork.

Burns was a member of the Stonecutters until it disbanded, at which time he joined the secret society that succeeded it: The Ancient Mystic Society of No Homers One source of dislike of Burns for the "Stonecutters" is that despite his wealth and greed, he is outranked by Lenny.

He is currently the head of the Springfield Republican Party and once headed a short-lived religion. He holds a chair a demonic throne with snarling dogs chained to it at Springfield University and controls an anti-democratic paramilitary force in Latin America. After severely mismanaging the team, he lost nearly half his net worth. At the following year's retreat, it was discovered he was no longer a billionaire.

He was ejected from the camp, and thrown over a wall into the slack-jawed millionaire's camp. Burns tried to run for Governor until Marge ruined his chances by serving a three-eyed fish an example of the adverse effects of the nuclear plant for dinner in front of the media. In the end, he echoes Charles Foster Kane by crying out his name in rage and vows for the rest of his life to make Homer Simpson's life miserable. Burns was a Freemason "before it was trendy".

It is later revealed that he plans to ascend to the position of Pope, so that he can have tax-free access to all of the Vatican gold. However, when he learns that the church is not Catholic, he promptly quits much to everyone's glee , but only on the condition that Reverend Lovejoy will grant him permission to Heaven when he dies. Eventually, he agrees, but it is comically revealed that Mr. Burns can only go to Dog Heaven when he dies.

Later, it is shown in Dog Heaven a. Cat Hell that Mr. Burns is running around, pretending to be a dog, hoping to "rise up the alpha dog ladder! Burns is later cryogenically frozen at the age of Scientists work to find a cure for 17 stab wounds to the back so that he can be thawed out and cured. He was cured in time to attend Lisa Simpson's wedding. However, he is not completely thawed, as when he tries to sit down, he snaps in half, which is also cured.

At the age of , he is a shut-in who sponsors a Yale scholarship as punishment for stealing Christmas. He keeps diamonds to have them changed into Earth's most precious mineral of the age: coal. His home is also guarded by a large group of flying unicorn-clam creatures uni-clams. He was tricked and got admittance into Dog Heaven. He first appears as "Monty the Miser", who provides Bart with both magic beans and a slingshot in exchange for the cow the latter mostly because Bart refused the magic beans , thus having him set the plot forward.

He later appears as the boss of the second level, as a cloud in Mr. Burns' likeness. Count Burns is a vampire. Lisa says that she is suspicious about him, but no one believes her. She and Bart find Mr. Burns' secret lair, which can be accessed by a staircase that has a lever which doubles as a fun slide, and Bart while fleeing from a horde of vampires says, "I know I really shouldn't, but when am I gonna be here again? Unfortunately for him, the horde of vampires are waiting at the bottom of the slide, and Count Burns bites Bart's neck, causing him to turn into a vampire.

The Simpsons are then worried that Bart could get worse and they have to kill the head vampire, who is Count Burns. Homer kills Count Burns who, after getting stabbed in a heart and freaking out, comes back to life to fire Homer, then dies again but it is revealed that Marge is the head vampire.

He captures young wizards and witches to takes their powers away. Burns acts as the main antagonist of this game. He rigs the election results of an art competition on The Krusty the Clown Show to have Bart win, as part of his diabolical plan to have his relatives kill off the Simpsons though he admits he wasn't happy with going through with rigging it due to how Bart's artwork was exceptionally poor.

His motive for doing so is implied to be the result of the family being a significant drain on his finances, as when discussing the plot with Smithers, a stock chart titled "profits" with a decreasing line can be seen in the background. Burns, after cutting off ties to his relatives as a punishment for their failure, ultimately being forced to swallow his pride and appear on The Krusty the Clown Show to personally congratulate Bart, with Bart proceeding to throw a pie in his face.

Burns appears as the final boss of this game, operating a giant mechanical robot from within that changes form depending on the damage it receives from the Simpson family. He also was the one who orchestrated Smithers' theft of a diamond, which also indirectly made him responsible for Maggie's kidnapping as well, as Smithers ended up kidnapping Maggie due to the diamond that he stole was knocked towards Maggie after Smithers bumped into Homer and she started using it as a pacifier. After being defeated, Mr.

Burns is knocked out unconscious and Maggie then places her pacifier into Mr. Burns' mouth. Burns appears as a playable character in the game. If the player wins a full game with him, the ending shows him trying to move the trophy, although due to his obvious lack of physical strength, he could barely move it an inch before falling down in exhaustion.

Maggie then emerges from the trophy and offers Mr. Burns a lollipop, causing Mr. Burns to beg for mercy before Maggie throws it at his head, knocking him out. His reaction to Maggie's offer references the events of "Who Shot Mr. He also appears in Apu's ending, where he forces Apu to give him the latter's trophy at gunpoint and makes his escape.

Burns buys out the Springfield Transit System and turns them into nuclear buses. In one of the missions, it is also said that he buys out the Springfield Shopper. Also, if the player drives in the Springfield Mountains, it can drive into Burns Manor.

In the last mission, the player has to battle Mr. Burns as Homer, where Homer has to smash the statues in Burns' garden.

Also, in the second mission, the player needs to dodge him. In every single road rage or Sunday drive, he tries to hit the player with his car. However, if the player uses a cheat code, the player can drive his car, a nuclear bus, and even Mr. Burns driving a brick. In the downtown location, his bus depot can be seen. One of the other locations is his nuclear power plant.

Burns, while making clear that he is fed up with the people of Springfield complaining about his nuclear-powered buses and saying that it outranked even the Summer of Love in terms of the most contemptible effort of civil disobedience, caves and lets them have their public transport system back, but then ominously warns the player that they have not seen the last of him before sending the player down his trap door.

Burns appears as a boss, but cannot be fought directly. He accompanies Smithers while he is on the ring, throwing explosive test tubes at the player. Unlike most enemy characters, Smithers and Mr. Burns are not unlockable. Burns is seen telling Homer where Plopper went. The player can drive to the nuclear power plant at the first level, and Mr.

Burns tells everyone bluntly to leave the plant. In addition, Homer investigates Mr.

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