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How many unsigned artists are there - mwa

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At least, not economically. After all, not everyone can be Chance the Rapper. According to Mulligan, independent musicians, along with unsigned artists, represented But, until unsigned artists actually start earning more for their hard-earned work, continue expecting similar dismal percentages. After all, as the analyst admits,.

Umm yeah still pretty impressed by the numbers. Sure gave a nice click-baity edge to it though!! Well written article. In any event, a record label is by its very nature in the business of selling, reproducing and distributing physical media such as compact discs.

Facebook is free and despite getting shittier and shittier in terms of promo is still a way to promote. You can promote on twitter for free, you can promote on countless blogs for the price of a low-level PR person. If one of those sites changes their rules, starts charging or shuts down tomorrow…then what?

I built a whole business on Blogger. I have plenty more similar stories. My user name plus 7th letter of alphabet dot what we call letters with stamps on them. If everybody is playing essentially the same kind of popular music, why would you need more than a few mega-size artists for each of the main genres of pop music?

Look at other commodities. How many brands of fast food are there? Just a few. How many brands of ketchup do you need? If artists were all essentially different, and the audience had a thousand types of musical tastes, then I could see that logically more musicians could make a living.

Are you a musician? Music is not a ketchup. Same human can be in love with Fifth Symphony, Beatles, Metallica, Smooth Jazz or EDM — future has no limits and entertainment has to be fresh or it is not entertainment! Last, digital music is superb for monetization — just few players have to change the business mode. I think once Clear Channel radio bought up all the radio stations and started playing the same 30 songs over and over in constant heavy rotation, pop music became, essentially, ketchup.

A commodity. A formula, like a standard recipe. Over and over and over and over and over…. Yes, looking at current situation it is label controlled ketchup. Why Radio listens to them and how they can have a nerve to ask for any royalties from Radio? Yes, they will get more breadcrumbs form Tube player for all tunes they have managed to hummer in to human brains, but this is desperate and very low quality business model!

See my previous comment and me … My user name plus 7th letter of alphabet dot what we call letters with stamps on them. Radio stations repeat …repeat…. Why not an hour now and then for new artists? Same for all other artists, visual, dance etc…. Take a risk now and then, change like everyone else. Find them on Twitter and ask them in public to play more new music. You would be surprised how well they respond when you humiliate them like this. The stations lose listeners if they play unfamiliar music during peak hours.

Then, they lose advertisers. Use good analytics. Powered by GoDaddy Website Builder. Home Gallery Testimonials Contact More. Home Gallery Testimonials Contact. We help musicians establish their place in the industry! See Reviews.

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