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If you burn more than you consume, your body accesses the stored energy to make up the difference. It's impossible to get a precise figure on how many calories you burn in a given workout.
Factors like your personal metabolism, air temperature and time of day will raise or lower your calorie consumption for any given session. However, a calorie calculator can help you estimate the calories you'll burn on average over the course of several step aerobics sessions. Health resource website Harvard Health Publications provides data on the calories burned by activities ranging from cross-country skiing to sitting on your couch.
According to Harvard Health, a pound woman will burn approximately calories during 20 minutes of step aerobics, depending on her level of effort. Heavier people will burn more calories. Lighter people will burn fewer. Keep in mind that to lose one pound of fat, you need to burn off 3, calories more than you consume. If you're eating just enough to maintain your weight, that means even if you do 20 minutes of step aerobics per day — every day of the week — you'll drop just 0.
Go a little longer most days if weight loss is your goal. Share the useful info if you had the experience of training with mini-steppers. Thanks in advance! Of course, you can lose weight with the help of a mini stepper. I found how many calories are burned while training on a mini stepper exercise machine. Here is the time you need for training to see the desirable result:. Please login or Register to submit your answer. Username or Email Address.
Remember Me. Maxim Nikitin. Fitness equipment expert. Certified specialist in fitness and nutrition. March 18, - Updated on October 9, Recover is the key word here since, at rest, our body not only has to keep functioning like any other person's but also has to recover from the exercise and rebuild energy stores and muscle tissue with the consequent increase in BMR.
On the other hand, we can lower our BMR by having a very sedentary lifestyle , which we do not recommend. On top of that, calorie intake has a significant effect on the BMR of a person since when we restrict the calorie consumption significantly, our body goes into what is called "starvation mode". In this state, the body senses a lack of food and adapts accordingly reducing the BMR as much as possible so that it can use those precious, finite calories to move or think.
This last effect is particularly counterproductive when trying to lose weight by reducing the food intake and it's the reason why many people can't seem to lose weight even when eating half as much as they did before.
Starvation mode is also partly responsible for the rebound effect people experience after finishing a diet. We do not recommend losing weight by reducing the calorie intake unless you have professional advice since it can lead to nutrient deficiency and all the associated health risks. So now the question is: How do I burn more calories? The answer is, as always, it depends. There are two major ways to burn more calories depending on whether you are restricted by time or not.
Assuming you don't have a time limit, the answer is as intuitive as it gets: exercise for longer. As you can see by using the calculator, the more time you dedicate to exercise, the more calories we burn in total. However, most of us are usually restricted by the time we have available to exercise after taking care of our priorities like work, family In this case, the answer is exercise with more intensity. The harder you train, the more calories you will burn.
A higher running pace will burn more calories But how long can you sprint? If you're truly sprinting, you shouldn't be able to go on for more than a minute, tops. And this is the reason HIIT is so trendy right now.
HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training , is a way of structuring your exercises so that you can keep the intensity very high as the name implies but also keep up this intensity for a long time. The trick is to introduce periods of rest between high-intensity bursts. This method is by far the most efficient way to burn more calories and it's unbeatable in terms of calories per time exercising.
On top of the fact that you will consume a higher number of calories, HIIT has a second advantage. During HIIT exercise we create micro-damage in our muscles don't worry is all good that the body later repairs, building a bigger and stronger muscle.
This is how we get fitter and stronger and it's a process in which the number of calories burned at "rest" is greatly increased compared to steady-state cardio exercises, not to mention compared to a sedentary lifestyle. HIIT comes in many forms, from taking any sport and breaking down the activity into intervals of mixed high intensity and low intensity active recovery , to even weightlifting and fitness. It might sound counter-intuitive but the calories burned lifting weights can rival a full body exercise such as dancing when we take into account the total calories burned throughout the day.
On top of that, and with proper nutrition , the calories burned lifting weights will also help you to build more muscle as well as to prevent heart disease.
You might be thinking especially if you're of a younger age that the purpose of exercising and burning calories is mostly weight loss and fitness benefits. However, there's much more to exercising than looks and records. It is recognized by every doctor that regular exercise is the second best thing you can do for your health after quitting smoking you will also save money by not smoking , and the very best thing if you're not a smoker.
Among the benefits of exercising we can point to psychological well-being and increased happiness , as well as physical health benefits such as an improved immune system, higher bone density and lowering the risk of heart disease.
If we had to point to the most important benefits it would definitely be the psychological aspect as not only will exercise and burning calories make you happier exercise releases endorphins but it also decreases the suicide rates amongst all populations, a very good effect you must agree. Together with a lower the risk of suicide, the reduced risk of suffering from heart disease has to be close to the top of the list as well.
The improvement that exercise has on our cardiovascular system is very significant, and with heart disease being the leading cause of death for both men and women it is not something to sniff at. If you are interested in learning more about the heart and what it means to have a healthy one you can start by visiting our healthy heart rate calculator.
But HIIT training and hardcore exercising " it's not for me " you might say. To you, I say: Don't fret! There's a solution. Luckily for us, our bodies are not very picky about the types of training that we do, so literally anything is better than nothing. Walking, dancing, recreational swimming Anything that moves your body is a good way to start; so find something that you enjoy doing, and do it!
Speaking of weight loss , which is the main reason most of you have landed on this calories burned calculator, let's turn our attention away from "how many calories did I burn? You can get a rough answer with our macronutrients calculator or our meal calories calculator , but let's talk about dietary calories for a moment before we calculate anything. If we talk in chemical terms, everything has calories. From a simple dish of pasta to even a glass of tap water , everything has some energy inside of it.
However, our body cannot process and obtain all the energy in everything. To give an extreme example, the energy stored in Uranium atoms is enough to create the most powerful bomb in human history, however, if you were to eat Uranium you wouldn't have tons of energy, or get super fat.
You would just die since it is also radioactive. And that's why the concept of "dietary calorie" was brought into existence. Dietary calories refer to the amount of energy in an edible product to which our body has access. In water, for example, there are no dietary calories because all the energy is stored in its chemical bonds, simply because our body cannot obtain such energy. Luckily for us, when food manufacturers state the number of calories in a certain meal or product, they only write about dietary calories generally kcal or Cal, to be precise , which means we don't need to make any calculations when watching our food intake.
Once we talk about dietary calories, we can start thinking about weight loss through diets. In very broad terms purely thermodynamics terms for the most part , the weight loss game seems simple: Calories in minus calories out, and then convert to body fat weight lost or gained.
The reality is much more complicated than that, as we will see later, but for now, let's focus on the tree main caloric states we can be in:. Caloric balance is the state in which the number of calories burned equals the number of calories taken. In the simplistic thermodynamics approach, this is the state in which we don't lose weight but we also don't gain any weight, we are at balance.
The next state is the calorie deficit , which is the most used tactic for losing weight. In this state we eat fewer calories than we burn , hence creating such a caloric imbalance. There are two main ways to achieve this imbalance : eating less and exercising more. You can also achieve this state by any combination of these two. Common sense dictates that this is the path to weight loss and fat burning, and that's mostly true.
However, we will see in the next section all the understatements and objections that accompany this assumption. Lastly, we have the caloric surplus, which is the state of eating more calories than we burn. This is the state used to gain weight, mostly in the form of fat. Nevertheless, weight gain doesn't necessarily mean getting fat as people in the fitness industry know very well. The practice of "bulking" within fitness refers to the practice of eating more calories than the calories burned by lifting weights , and therefore being in a caloric surplus state.
All this is in the pursuit of muscle growth. Bulking typically involves fat as well as muscle gains. This is technically not necessary since to gain muscle, caloric surplus is not needed only "nitrogen surplus" or protein surplus.
Reality is more complicated as it can be very difficult to eat a lot of high protein foods without stepping in a caloric surplus. This last fact about bulking suggests that the model "calories in minus calories out" is not the whole story.
Let us move into the next section to clarify the nuances of calorie balance and weight loss. A calorie is a calorie, they say.