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That is, I like authoring one set of templates, something like this:. Without having to write a whole bunch of if's, or writing a bunch of different sets of templates, etc. This module handles the above process automatically. All transformations are fully customizable, allowing you to choose how your active text should look. In the simplest case, all you have to do is create a new object by a call to new , and then call the main activelink function which takes care of the transformation.
To customize what the output HTML looks like, keep reading This is the constructor method, and it takes a number of parameters that determine how the output HTML looks:. The first set of args determines how to transform text links. By default, any text links will be changed into red text when you're in the directory or document that they point to see below for more explicit details. To change this, just change the prefix and suffix, for example:. A similar principle works for images.
By default, an image link like so:. Notice that the file type suffix is preserved, and that the image suffix is properly applied to the name of the image. I like this answer, if you want to keep classes from children and just append, use: className: router. Dominic Dominic Just put an a tag in it DevmentorLive DevmentorLive 19 4 4 bronze badges. Based on the answers by Darryl RN and Saman Mohamadi It works as a drop-in replacement for the NextJS link component and adds the classes "active" and "active-sub" if the route or the route of a subpage is active.
Create a file called Link. Felix Felix 89 1 1 silver badge 5 5 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Podcast The first ten years of our programming lives. Upcoming Events. Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Candidate changes in Moderator Election — review your ballot. Linked 3.
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