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How do you spell cronies - pfj

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He had known something of the Erringtons for many years, having been a crony of old Maxfield's once upon a time. I think every family should have a dog; it is like having a perpetual baby; it is the plaything and crony of the whole house. It is something that happened to—Tom Wyld, an old crony of mine out on the other side. But I take it that it is more likely to be some crony of the landladys. New Word List Word List. Save This Word! See synonyms for crony on Thesaurus. We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms.

Words nearby crony cronk , Cronkhite-Canada syndrome , Cronkite , Cronus , Cronut , crony , cronyism , Cronyn , crook , crookback , crooked. What does crony mean? Where does crony come from? Did you know How is crony used in real life? Absurd economics — JJ. Try using crony! Words related to crony colleague , comrade , acquaintance , buddy , associate , chum , confidant , accomplice , intimate , sidekick , mate , partner , pal , friend , comate , good buddy.

How to use crony in a sentence History is littered with cities that took on either general debt or project debt to build something, and that money then ended up in the pockets of mayors and alderman and unions and cronies. America's Cities Are in Crisis. Catherine de' Medici Honore de Balzac. Spare Hours John Brown. A Country Gentleman and his Family Mrs. Margaret Oliphant. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes A. Conan Doyle. Keep scrolling for more.

Synonyms for crony Synonyms associate , cohort , companion , compatriot , compeer , comrade , fellow , hobnobber , mate , running mate Visit the Thesaurus for More. Examples of crony in a Sentence The mayor rewarded his cronies with high-paying jobs after he was elected. Recent Examples on the Web More mandatory disclosure in this area will hopefully chip away at the cancer of crony capitalism. Anderson, Washington Examiner , 22 Apr. First Known Use of crony , in the meaning defined above.

History and Etymology for crony perhaps from Greek chronios long-lasting, from chronos time. Learn More About crony. Time Traveler for crony The first known use of crony was in See more words from the same year. Style: MLA. More Definitions for crony. English Language Learners Definition of crony. Kids Definition of crony. Get Word of the Day daily email! Test Your Vocabulary.

Test your vocabulary with our question quiz! Love words? Need even more definitions? Merriam-Webster's Words of the Week - Oct.

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