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How do you get djent sound - ujm

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Overall, the playing is very crisp and clean, with a dry and overdriven guitar tone, and a droning, industrial quality. Djent may be more easily understood by hearing than by reading. The Djent Compilation YouTube channel has eighty!! As you can plainly see, Djent involves a lot of rigorous debate and obsessive comparison. Of course a lot more goes into it- guitar choice, pickups, strings, playing technique, riffage. There are as many pedal chains as there are players when it comes to achieving true Djent tone.

Noise gates are a popular way to achieve the super-high-contrast, loud-quiet-loud effect in Djent. There should be unnatural silence between your noisy palm-muted strikes. This contrast is essential. In fact, try two noise gates, one at the beginning of your chain to choke any extra ring and one after to silence any artifacts of distortion or buzz.

Djent players like to use compressor pedals to make each string strike dynamically consistent. Counter-intuitively, djent is often played with the amp gain lower than other genres of metal, to make the playing as crisp and clear as possible. To compensate, players like to use overdrive pedals in their signal chain to up their gain. I should emphasize that the desired tone is highly saturated and distorted, but that the gain is best raised before the amp, so that the final noise gate in the signal chain can achieve maximum effect.

Finally, since Djent involves a lot of chugging on low down-tuned strings, the tone is subject to unnecessary muddy frequencies that should be cleaned up.

Try an EQ pedal with the lowest few bands dialed way down. There are 4 parts to the djent tone. The first part is technique, or how you play the guitar. The second part is modeling, or how the tone is produced using the effects pedals, and hardware. The third part is setup.

Technique: Instead of playing power chords on the first 3 strings- xxx as you would in "normal" genres of music, such as punk or rock, djent power chords involve an extra fifth- xx so you can get that tight djent sound.

Pick hard and scrape the pick across the strings while palm-muting the chord is the basis of getting the djent tone. Pick from the wrist with a firm but not hard motion. This helps get the heavy djent sound.

Well how do you get that sound? If there is a video of like Misha Mansoor showing his set-up please post it. I know they do the "Messhuggah Djent chugs," but when I do it on my 6, it sounds depleted. TosinAsLeader , Feb 22, Messages: Likes Received: Messages: 7, Likes Received: 1, That's step one bro. JamesM , Feb 22, Messages: Likes Received: 2.

I'll just leave this here. Courtesy of our wise Randy. Underworld likes this. Messages: 3, Likes Received:

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