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How can i encourage crawling - pgt

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Commando Crawl or Belly Crawl When baby crawls, they are alternating their right arm and left leg, then left arm and right leg to move, using both sides of their body equally.

Their stomach remains on the floor. Crawling on All Fours When baby creeps, they push up onto their hands and knees with their belly off the floor, using the same arm and leg movements as with crawling. Remember to do Tummy Time during the day and make sure baby always sleeps on their back.

Do Push-Ups Parents can get on the floor with baby and demonstrate push-ups. Baby can watch you lift yourself up on your arms and baby can eventually copy your movements. Spending time in strollers, bouncy chairs and highchairs limit the time babies have to learn valuable skills such as crawling. Of course, some time spent in these things is unavoidable, but do make an effort to provide your baby with plenty of opportunities for floor play throughout the day.

Children and babies learn best through play. You can encourage your baby to crawl by making it a game. Placing exciting looking toys slightly out of reach might tempt your baby to try and reach for them.

Babies love to explore so leave the toys in sight but leave your baby to discover it for himself if he can. To begin with, place the toys just out of reach, but as your baby gets better at reaching them, move them further away. Babies are easily spooked, so you need to make sure his crawling practice arena aka your living room is a safe environment for him. Set up an obstacle course of pillows to crawl over, chairs to crawl under, and tunnels to crawl through. This is great for building spatial skills, problem-solving, depth perception, and binocular vision.

This is also great for balance and motor skills as they maneuver through the obstacles. Play chase games and crawling races with your baby. This is great for social interaction and the development of the motor skills for crawling and moving quickly. Try to get your baby to crawl on different textures. Think grass, sand, silky scarves, and blankets. This is great for sensory development as well as coordination and balance.

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