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March 2, A Definition of Alpha Decay March 2, Hiroshima See all. One way these voids can be introduced is by steam bubbles forming in water that is used as a coolant or moderator. As these voids form, a reactor with a negative void coefficient will become less reactive, and a reactor with a positive void coefficient will become even more reactive.

The RBMK reactor type had an extremely positive void coefficient, which means that without careful proper oversight, the reactor can rapidly become unsafe. At Chernobyl, the dangerous qualities of the reactor type came to a head, and the reactor Chernobyl-4 melted down in This catastrophe prompted the retrofitting of all existing RBMK reactors with several additional safety measures--many of these safety measures are directed at the reactor core in an effort to lower the void coefficient.

Because water is both a more efficient coolant and a more effective neutron absorber than steam, a change in the proportion of steam bubbles, or 'voids', in the coolant will result in a change in core reactivity.

The ratio of these changes is termed the void coefficient of reactivity. When the void coefficient is negative, an increase in steam will lead to a decrease in reactivity. In those reactors where the same water circuit acts as both moderator and coolant, excess steam generation reduces the slowing of neutrons necessary to sustain the nuclear chain reaction.

This leads to a reduction in power, and is a basic safety feature of most Western reactors. In reactor designs where the moderator and coolant are of different materials, excess steam reduces the cooling of the reactor, but as the moderator remains intact the nuclear chain reaction continues.

In some of these reactors, most notably the RBMK, the neutron absorbing properties of the cooling water are a significant factor in the operating characteristics. In such cases, the reduction in neutron absorption as a result of steam production, and the consequent presence of extra free neutrons, enhances the chain reaction.

This leads to an increase in the reactivity of the system. The void coefficient is only one contributor to the overall power coefficient of reactivity, but in RBMK reactors it is the dominant component, reflecting a high degree of dependence of reactivity on the steam content of the core.

At the time of the accident at Chernobyl, the void coefficient of reactivity was so positive that it overwhelmed the other components of the power coefficient, and the power coefficient itself became positive.

When the power began to increase, more steam was produced, which in turn led to an increase in power. The additional heat resulting from the increase in power raised the temperature in the cooling circuit and more steam was produced.

More steam means less cooling and less neutron absorption, resulting in a rapid increase in power to around times the reactor's rated capacity. The value of the void coefficient is largely determined by the configuration of the reactor core.

In RBMK reactors, an important factor affecting this is the operating reactivity margin. Although the definition is not precise, the operating reactivity margin ORM is essentially the number of 'equivalent' control rods of nominal worth remaining in the reactor core.

The operators at Chernobyl seemed to believe that safety criteria would be met so long as the lower limit for the ORM of 15 equivalent rods was adhered to, regardless of the actual configuration of the core. The operators were not aware of the 'positive scram' effect where, following a scram signal, the initial entry of the control rods actually added reactivity to the lower region of the core see section below on Post accident changes to the RBMK.

The ORM could have an extreme effect on the void coefficient of reactivity, as was the case for the core configuration of Chernobyl 4 in the run-up to the accident. Unacceptably large void coefficients were prevented for initial cores by increasing fuel enrichment levels, with the excess reactivity balanced by fixed absorbers.

However, with increasing fuel burn-up, these absorbers could be removed to maintain the fuel irradiation levels - shifting the void coefficient in the positive direction and increasing the sensitivity of the coefficient to the extent of insertion of the control and protection rods. All operating RBMK reactors in the former Soviet Union had the following changes implemented to improve operating safety:.

The additional absorbers require the use of higher fuel enrichment to compensate for the increased neutron absorption. The efficiency and speed of the emergency protection system was improved by implementing three independent retrofitting operations:. One of the most important post-accident changes to the RBMK was the retrofitting of the control rods. In the course of its activities, the Agency has developed standard requirements for all parameters for the development, construction and operation of nuclear power plants and other enterprises of the nuclear industry and, most importantly, for monitoring the safety of their exploitation.

But, as it often happened in the Soviet Union, the system of interdepartmental structures and the distribution of functions between them was not clear enough to work highly efficiently.

As for the production life of the Chernobyl NPP staff on the eve of the accident, the personnel of the Chernobyl NPP began the with great hopes for the future. Soon, the station should become the most powerful in the world. The task of raising electricity production to the intended level was not succeeded in solving. This state of affairs in the nuclear industry of the USSR was absolutely ordinary and normal and did not raise any objections.

Actual data on fuel overload in the reactor and changes in the parameters of the active zone AZ during April , , allowed technical experts to establish the purpose of the experiment and methods for its implementation.

On the same day, a group of scientists arrived from Moscow to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant to conduct this particular experiment.

However, a memoir published in in Moscow by scientists of the Institute named after Kurchatov has information about who exactly and when he arrived at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where he lived, what he did when he left. This fact completely refutes the official statement that the Chernobyl personnel did not coordinate their actions with the authors of the reactor.

The authors themselves were at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and would not allow the staff to do anything without their knowledge. Not all participants in the work arrived at the station, not all technical issues were resolved. The director of the station, V.

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