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Can you sli a 680 and 670 - qoy

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It ain't over till the fat lady sings For SLI to work and don't quote me on this as i'm not entirely sure, but you should see about matching the cards with the same specs as the faster one will slow down to match the second, this may not be so bad but if you chase OC's or bench for scores, this can probably hinder you trying to get both cards running together properly.

You should be able to run both cards in SLi as they have the same amount of memory. To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible. HiVizMan, specs, aside, what about the cards being different heights? I couldnt 3 way sli my signatures with a classified with a 3 way bridge.. Texture memory is duplicated on each card. The real advantage is for dual is that you get actual use out of the dual frame buffer memory usage. The downside to it is that it pushes no extra frames above a 3 GB card in current games.

Last edited: Mar 14, Solomutt said:. The thing is I don't want just 1 card. I know that makes me seem fps hungry but considering I am getting a hz monitor, I want to take advantage of it. If the drivers for two s aren't that bad then I may stick with them, or just get one GTX and save for another. I'm gonna rule out the s now and leave the battle between the s and the s.. I noticed that the s crossfire fall really behind in batman games, does anyone know why?

Drivers for cf suck. No doubt. Stick to sli or sli or for dual cards. Also, as of today with max settings the or often avg fps.

So your dual setup would just avg fps even at p. On what game? Lol those results are impossible if you're thinking of a game like Battlefield TakeNoPrisoners Platinum Member. Jun 3, 2, 1 I would get two GTX 's but it would be overkill.

One GTX destroys everything at p. Everyone, I don't care about overkill. I listed what I am choosing between, now just help me with that lol. Apr 6, 6, 5 Fx1 said:. I'm sorry but this is total rubbish Titan will be considered slow well before 6gb vram will be needed. There is far more to a video card than total vram. Look at the bandwidth limitation and limited number of rops. That's why it's fps can't beat 2 smaller gpus with only 2gb vram. BrightCandle Diamond Member.

Mar 15, 4, 0 The series crossfire is just broken. Take all the frame rates you see for it, halve it and then assume its a stuttering mess because in practice that is what is happening. The data is all very clear, crossfire is a net negative effect, you are better off with a single card. Which leaves you with sli v sli. I went the s because the s weren't out, but the performance difference for the price difference is actually not great. The s are just fine in SLI and considering what you would have to do to get the s I suspect you don't really need to worry about the difference there.

At the resolution and frame rate you are playing most of the time the s will be very close. But its up to you, a single is a formidable card and you may find you just stop there and realize you don't need sli after all. Just avoid crossfire that is the main thing. BrightCandle said:. Apr 17, 20 0 0. Rvenger said:. Im sorry but you just spewed more rubbish on top of someone elses rubbish. You must log in or register to reply here. Graphics Cards 9 May 27, Anyways, it will be a killer setup, whatever you go with.

Yes, i do know the SLI 's were amazing, but I eventually want to do triple monitor gaming and i think the gtx would be better in the long run. PNY wasnt my first choice, but it was the only one in stock and Ive heard decent things about them. There not terrible by any means and the build quality is solid id say.

Thanks for the responses guys, anyone else have anything to contribute? Oh and by the way i guess the 2nd reason why i got the single was that all though my 2 's were great, in SLI one of them was about 70 mhz slower than the other, via MSI afterburner. EXP- t would show gpu 1 at and gpu 2 at It wasnt the dx11 setting in the control panel because i switched them, and i pulled both of them out and switched the pci-e slots. Thats how i found out that one of them was slower than the other, which i heard isnt that bad but i swear im never satisfied with anything.

Joined Aug 31, Messages 12, 3. Who in their right of mind would ditch a sli setup for a single ? Just clock the 2nd card higher to compensate for it. Joined Aug 29, Messages 6, 1. Joined Jul 19, Messages 43, 7. Last edited: Jul 5, Joined Oct 9, Messages 0. So you think about switching your card to get less performance due to higher latencies on the Vram?

Unless you want to use multi monitor or something. EA is gonna be forcing ppl to use 64bit so they can make games using more vram so with time why shouldn't they use over 2gb?

Joined Oct 1, Messages 4, 0.

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