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You can choose a size from 1 to 15 which is very large. There are four options here: white with a black border the default , black with a white border, inverted for example, black on a white background or white on a black background , or your selected color with a black border. If you choose the color option, a lime green cursor is the default. However, you can choose any color you like.
If you have a PC with a touch screen, you can also control the visual touch feedback that appears when you tap the screen. You can add your custom cursor design here. Click the Type drop-down. This will open a list of all the different cursor types and functions you can customize. Select Arrow in the drop-down. When this option is selected, you can change your pointer cursor arrow's design.
Drag and drop your downloaded ". Find the ". The new cursor design will now show up in the "1x" box here. Optionally, you can change the numbers in the "Size" box here, and adjust your custom cursor's size. Click the red close button on the top-left of the editing window. You will be asked if you want to save changes to your new design. Click Save in the pop-up. This will save your new cursor design to Mousecape.
You can now apply this new cursor, and start using it any time you want. Method 7. Find the cursor you want to use in the Mousecape window. All your custom cursors are saved and listed here. Once you create a custom cursor design, it's saved in Mousecape. You can always go back and switch between different cursors any time you want.
Right-click a cursor entry in the Mousecape window. You will see your right-click options on a drop-down menu. Click Apply on the right-click menu. This will instantly change your cursor to the selected design. Click File on the menu bar. This will open a drop-down menu. Click New Cape on menu. This will create a new, blank "Unnamed" entry in the Mousecape window.
Right-click the new "Unnamed" cursor entry. This will open your options on a right-click menu. This will switch your cursor to Mac's default design. You can also right-click a cursor entry here, and select Remove to delete the selected design from your computer. Click the Windows Start button, then click Run.
Type in "Windows" then click enter and you will be in the "Windows" folder. The cursor folder should be somewhere in there. Not Helpful 5 Helpful 6. I changed my cursor with Custom Crust and now I can't get it back. How do I set my cursor back to default? In Mousecape, make a new cape with no picture. Use that and don't change it. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 1. Make sure that you right-clicked the cape and pressed apply. That should work. Not Helpful 4 Helpful 0. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.
Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Avoid any banner ads or pop-ups that advertise cursors. These are often gateways for adware.
Stick to trusted cursor libraries on reputable sites. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Related wikiHows How to. How to. About This Article. Co-authored by:. Co-authors: Updated: May 31, Categories: Displays.
Article Summary X 1. Bahasa Indonesia: Mengubah Kursor. Italiano: Modificare un Cursore. Below are the steps for accessing the mouse cursor size settings. In this menu, you can also enable the Highlight the mouse cursor when it's moving option to display a red circle around the mouse cursor while it's moving.
While there's no direct control over the mouse cursor in the Chrome OS settings, the operating system allows users to add customized cursors through third-party Chrome extensions. To find a cursor you like, visit the Chrome Web Store to browse for extensions that allow you to customize your mouse. When you find one, install it using the instructions on the following page. How do I change my mouse cursor? Note Some programs use custom mouse cursors, and changing the Windows cursors does not always affect those used in third-party software.
Microsoft Windows Change a single mouse cursor. Change multiple mouse cursors.