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Can you become a prophet - pwe

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Not all intercessors are prophets, but all prophets are intercessors. It is part of the prophetic priestly duty to make intercession. The first time you see the word prophet in the Bible, it is in connection with intercession see Genesis You cannot separate the prophet from prayer because prayer is the prophet's connection with God and His will.

Modern-day prophetic ministry involves turning the hearts of the fathers toward the sons and the hearts of the sons toward the fathers see Malachi —6. The Amplified translation calls this turning a "reconciliation produced by repentance of the ungodly.

Often, that means a cry for repentance as modern-day prophetic ministry works to separate the holy from the profane see Ezekiel If you are called as a prophet, you will feel moved to root out and to pull down and to destroy and to throw down and to build and to plant see Jeremiah Intense spiritual warfare will be a frequent reality in your life.

You will have a sense—a "knowing"—that you are being called to walk a narrower path than some around you. You will feel a sense of duty to honor God's will and be crushed with godly sorrow when you misstep.

This excerpt is from The Making of a Prophet. You can download a sample chapter of Jennifer's new book, The Making of a Prophet , by clicking here. Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. You can email Jennifer at jennifer. To contact us or to submit an article, click here. Get Charisma's best content delivered right to your inbox! Never miss a big news story again. There will be set-backs along the way and there will be those things in your life that will perhaps break-down.

Be aware that there are certain triggers and templates in your life that have caused you to react to people and circumstances the way that you have. And finally after these phases of your training, you can go onto prophetic warfare. A lot of times the enemy attempts to do his work in our families. This is where the rubber meets the road, and this is where our hearts and minds are oftentimes, affected. They know us quite well, and the reverse is certainly true. Try to pin point if something that is happening is an attack from the enemy, or if it is something that God wants to use to temper your character.

Remember that the battlefield is in the mind. This is where the enemy attempts to strike at us. Speak your warfare out loud to do battle against your foe. Be aware of what you feed upon in your mind. Be aware of the pictures that develop, and look for things that are edifying. Consider a time when you had a sense of fear or guilt about something. Now that you recognize that time, voice your battle against the enemy about this, and speak the word of God against him. You will realize that those things will now diminish as you give them over to the LORD.

Realize that there are certain doors that the enemy uses to come into our lives. It may be bitterness or fear, or guilt that he would attempt to use. Try to get a revelation on these doors and how they are used in your own life. Confess these things to God and then you will realize that you can have freedom and victory over them. There will probably come times when you will pray for people to have them delivered from something demonic.

Know that the person cannot be delivered until they first realize their own sin. These have opened the door to the enemy in some way and have not confessed their sin about these things. We must ask first and not just go barging in on the lives of people. There is offensive warfare that can be done through a prophet in the form of intercession for someone. But this can happen only when we are in union with God himself.

This can also happen through our praise and worship. You must cast out the ruler demon or else he will come back at a higher level than before. One must be very careful to only pray for those we are led to pray for in terms of offensive warfare, or else one can tap into something that can lead to a curse upon us. We must be aware of the friends and company that we keep. So I cheated and decided to add the rest in here, after all! Called To Be A Prophet? Your Turn. If you are called, then you are called to be a prophet:.

As I already mentioned, you may not recognise some of the signs below as being for you. But God has a special relationship with his prophets. Special Moments Of Intimacy Jesus, who was himself described as a prophet by those who met him, also spent long hours alone with his Father.

The prophets of the old covenant also experienced moments of tremendous intimacy with God. Immediately following this important event, we see the outworking of that anointing. If you are called to be a prophet, you too may receive a direct revelation from God about it. It may not be as dramatic as the examples here, but it will be clear what he wants you to do. In such situations, obedience becomes really important! Prophetic Training God trains his prophets to be obedient and to trust him.

Strong Sense Of Justice Prophets often have a strong sense of justice. They hate to see people suffering, particularly the vulnerable who cannot defend themselves. And yet, he also had the courage to call for love and reconciliation, not hate and violence. As he said:. Martin Luther King Jr. Visions Of Heaven If we revisit the visions of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, we see clear pictures of heaven in each one. More importantly, dreams take time to interpret and fully understand.

If you get dreams from God on a regular basis, ask him if you are called too. I love birds of prey and the Lord sometimes speaks to me by sending Red Kites over our house. Red Kite. If you see such signs regularly then you might be called as a prophet.

Ongoing Ministry In Prophetic Words. Experience Of Prophecies Coming True. Your Turn Prophets are called into relationship with God, themselves and others. Test your calling rigorously because God and others will anyway! You may also like. I shall lean in more. Thanks Rob, Sounds good to me! Blessings, Tim. Hi Muna, Thanks for your comment, that sounds exciting! Get the Guide. Learn all about the gift of prophecy: understand what it is, why you should practice, and how to do it, in 4 simple steps.

Get started. Close dialogue. Session expired Please log in again. Remember, intercession is a gatekeeper type of gift. Because the intercessor has access to God and communicates with God on a regular basis, God gives them the gifts they need to intercede for others.

So they can move from gift to gift to gift as is needed for prayers to be answered. Therefore, the intercessor can start out operating in a word of knowledge a one time now word then move into a prophetic word a word for a future date and then move into the full gift of prophecy. Keep in mind, a person can be a prophetic intercessor and not be called to be a prophet.

If you are an intercessor and you want to know this difference…usually the prophetic gift is completely shut off outside of intercession. Prophets can prophesy without going into deep intercession. Prayer is a part of communion with God. Therefore, prophets from God have an active prayer life.

If you are receiving prophetic words with little to no prayer life, then you need to question the source of the words you are receiving. All seers are prophets but not all prophets are seers. If you can see into the realm of the spirit, you are prophet because what God is showing you in the spiritual realm is something that you will need to prophesy into, warn others about or stop it. You can be a prophet and not have the seer gift.

Because remember there are other ways that God can communicate with you besides spiritual sight. Not everyone who receives a prophetic word from the Lord is a prophet. It just means you have the ability to communicate with your Father in heaven because you are a child of God.

If God gives you a dream and it happens as He showed it to you this does not mean that you are a prophet. God spoke with Mary in the bible, He spoke with Elizabeth, He spoke with Joseph through dreams and none of these people are prophets. They are children of God and God communicated with them. Then how will you know? You may be a child of God who has the ability to communicate with your Father, which is amazing because a lot of Christians do not have this developed and this can be taught.

This is something for you to know because the spiritual warfare, suffering and persecution that comes with being a prophet called of the Lord is very heavy and if you are not called to this, you will not be able to handle it.

This is important to remember as you start growing in this gift. Therefore, most Christians start off well with the gift of prophecy and then end up in one of these 2 traps. You must watch out for the spirit of Jezebel. Anyone who is a true prophet of God will not be able to stay around someone with a spirit of Jezebel. The two spirits cannot coexist in the same space because they are enemies. Most prophets come into their calling as a prophet through intercession. They tend to start out on prayer lines or in prayer groups.

Hence, these groups always have the spirit of Jezebel lurking. This spirit wants to get the prophet when they are young, if they have not yet fully developed in their gift of discerning of spirits and they may not even know that they have the prophetic gift, the spirit of Jezebel turns them into her slave working for her. Prophesying for her and against others. Most prophets have gone through deep persecution and suffering because of the gifting.

The spirit of Jezebel is drawn to wounded people ; therefore, if she finds someone with the gift of prophecy and they are wounded to boot, she will go after them. She comes in finds your weakness, pretends to be the friend , forms an alliance and after she has pulled you in she starts training you. If you are new to intercession and the gift of prophecy the training will basically be cursing other people. She puts herself in the place of God by manipulation and control and in the end the prophet goes to her as their higher authority instead of God.

She basically prostitutes the gift for evil. Spiritual adultery. If you are currently a part of a group and you have discerned Jezebels, you need to get out.

Revelation 2 to the Church of Thyatira. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds. Watch out for the familiar spirits. When God gives you prophetic word it comes by the unction of the Holy Spirit. If He has nothing to say, do the last thing He told you to do. When I hear people say that other people pull prophetic words out of them, that is a little scary.

There is nothing to pull. When you prophesy out of turn, when God has not said anything what you are doing is tapping into divination and familiar spirits. When the Israelites got impatient waiting for Moses to come down the mountain, what did they do? Build the golden calf. When Saul was specifically told by the Prophet Samuel to wait for him and he went ahead and offered the burnt offering without waiting for Samuel, he sinned. We have to learn to wait on God because when we act out of impatient then we put ourselves in sin.

So why a familiar spirit? Well these are the spirits that are attached to generations. When you see patterns of sin happening in a family, there is a familiar spirit at work. They create generational curses. Yes, even after you are saved you can still have a generational curse attached to your family if it is not broken. How will you know if you have a generational curse on your family?

There are patterns that happen when a curse is in place. If you have a family with women who have miscarriages throughout the generations, there is a spirit at work. No one in your family got married? Patterns of suicide. Every family member eventually gets Alzheimer or cancer. You are a child of God old things have past away and all things have been made new. That means your life needs to reflect that. No longer should you accept anything that was once a part of the old spiritually unrenewed man.

This is a part of your inheritance in Christ Jesus Psalm The familiar spirits keep records of you. If you never prayed them off or got rid of them they are still there. The 4 worse things that happen to people or prophets after they come in contact with someone who prophesies from a familiar spirit is this…. They get a familiar spirit assigned to them. If you never had one before you now have one because you sat under a prophet that had that on them.

If you sowed into their ministry, you sowed into a familiar spirit. Therefore, you reap a familiar spirit. Because you have this familiar spirit that has been assigned to you, you now have to question every dream or vision you received from the moment you got in contact with that prophet.

Because, they very well could be false visions and dreams now that you have this spirit attached to you. You have to go back to the beginning of your contact with the false prophet and erase every prophetic word they have ever given you.

They are false. So hopelessness will set in. Hope deferred because you are waiting on something to happen which will never happen. The devil gave you false hope. If you shared things with this prophet that God showed you about your future, the enemy is now going to try to attack it, come against it and prevent it from happening. Remember, they only work off of information. So, if you told them now they know.

So if you find that things you were sure were from God are not happening that is because the familiar spirit got a hold of it…because you told them. Now you need to war to keep what is from the Lord and belongs to you. You may experience delays in your promises but you need to fight for them. Now imagine these same prophets who operate with familiar spirits start a school of the prophets, what do you think happens to the people they mentor?

They impart a familiar spirit onto those prophets as well. How else does Jezebel end up with prophets? They have to recruit. You will find that most people with a prophetic gift that are really walking with the Lord are loners. They have to protect the anointing and their spirit. Otherwise, they pick up stuff. King Saul who was not a prophet prophesied in 1 Samuel 10 because he was hanging out with prophets. When Saul wanted to kill David because of the anointing that was upon Samuel anyone that went around him started to prophesy, even Saul, and no one could touch David.

And he and Samuel went and stayed in Naioth. And when they saw the group of prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as leader over them , the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophesied. And when Saul was told, he sent other messengers, and they prophesied likewise. Then Saul sent messengers again the third time, and they prophesied also.

Then he also went to Ramah, and came to the great well that is at Sechu.

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