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Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for electronics and electrical engineering professionals, students, and enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This circuit is fraught with problems and is barely suitable for experimentation, but for starters I'd cap-couple the source and the load to the circuit and then work with the biasing and feedback.
This is a pretty crappy circuit in the first place. It is in no way capable of providing 1 W of AC power into the speaker. Even ignoring the inevitable off-center biasing of the transistor and any voltage drop accross it, at best this circuit is a 4.
That means the load the speaker will see half the open circuit RMS voltage, which is 1. Another problem with this circuit is that it puts DC current thru the speaker. That's generally not a good idea, but at these low power levels won't cause any harm to a normal size speaker. This circuit is so poor that the additional distortion caused by DC thru the speaker is the least of the problems.
MOSFETs don't have as well a defined gate voltage threshold where they quickly change between off and on. From my understanding, you charge or discharge the coil to make the mech relay work, same thing, you put High or Low voltage on the Gate terminal to make a MOSFET work. The power adapter should charge the battery.
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Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 5 years ago. Active 1 year, 8 months ago. Viewed 2k times. How can I do that? If the circuit does not provide the necessary power, then dynamic losses will increase due to the slow transistor switching speed the MOSFET will run hotter. So it is necessary to check the heat increase of the transistor after turning on the device. If the transistor becomes very hot, then the problem can be hidden both inside the transistor itself or inside the elements of its binding.
Electrical polarity - field effect transistors can be forward or reversed conduction P- or N-channel. Maximum Power Dissipation Pd — it is necessary to be sure that the chosen transistor can dissipate enough power. This parameter depends on the maximum transistor operating temperature — if the temperature increases, the maximum dissipation power decreases. If the maximum dissipation power is not enough — some transistor features become worse.
It depends on the temperature: the voltage decreases if the transistor temperature decreases too. That said, a low value gate resistor must be included, just to safeguard the device from sudden voltage spikes and transients.
Since voltages above 5 V or up to 12 V are easily available from most digital and analogue ICs, a MOSFET gate can be quickly interfaced with any such signal source, irrespective of the load current.
If you have any circuit related query, you may interact through comments, I'll be most happy to help! Your email:. I am not sure if I should do this or what changes would need to be made. It charges the capacitors when plugged in, then turns off when the capacitors discharge through the coils attached to the output with the momentary on switch. It is the initial charge surge current I need to worry about.
When the capacitors discharge through a diode, the current to the base of the transistor goes to 0, it switches off, and the diode protects the transistor as the current has to go to the coil. The button on the coil is released, that pat of the circuit is open again, voltage goes to the transistor, and current flows to the base, so it switches on again and charged the capacitor again. Thanks for any help. Can you please suggest some to me sir.
Interesting , I really love this it has enlighten me more , in dealing with related components, Thanks so much for this ,help my novice understanding Here is my question JFET are very rare at my Local store i found it highly frustrating. It has serve as barrier to my Inspired DIYs is there a possible replacement or alternative I found they good for guitar sound effect , amplifiers am working towards phaser effect using opamp LFO but i still found i need those jfet Please help my novice knowledge.
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