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It indicates a way to see more nav menu items inside the site menu by triggering the side menu to open and close. Ashley Laderer. While there's no limit to how many times you can take Plan B, that doesn't mean you should treat it like a standard birth control pill that you take regularly. You only need one dose of Plan B for each episode of unprotected sex.
Taking more than one dose won't increase your chances of avoiding pregnancy. If you become nauseous and vomit shortly after taking Plan B, you should take another dose, since the pill didn't have a chance to enter your system and do its job. If you had unprotected sex, again, a day or two after taking Plan B, you should consider taking another dose. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. The copper IUD can also be placed up to seven days later.
The Yuzpe method is best used within three days of unprotected sex. It causes an inflammatory reaction in the uterus, so it creates an unfavorable environment for sperm and for implantation to occur. The one big difference with the IUD is that it could disrupt a good pregnancy. If a woman is considering a copper IUD and has had abnormal periods, she should make sure to do a pregnancy test first. A: Yes. Before we add this to your cart, we just need to ask you some quick questions:.
It is possible to take the morning after pill twice in one week, but it is not recommended for regular use. The morning after pill , such as ellaOne and Levonelle , contains a very high dose of hormones. If taken occasionally, the hormones should not be in your body long enough to cause any harmful effects. However, if taken regularly, the high hormone levels could cause negative effects on your body. The exact effects of long-term use of the morning after pill, have not yet been clarified, so if you need to take the morning after pill more than twice a month, it is recommended that you use a more suitable method of contraception.
The non-hormonal IUD intrauterine device is the most reliable method of emergency contraception and can be fitted up to 5 days after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. The non-hormonal IUD can last for 5 years, so you will be protected from pregnancy during that time. Although, if you do wish to become pregnant, the device can be removed by a doctor.
If you regularly have unprotected sex, you are significantly more likely to become pregnant. Therefore, you should explore which birth control methods may be right for you. Condoms and the contraceptive pill are two of the most popular methods, but if you need something with longer-lasting effects you could consider contraceptive implants, injections or IUDs.
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