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Can i learn archaeology without cataclysm - shs

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You only find sites in zones of your level or lower. A level 25 character will have all 4 sites per continent in level 25 zones. This means that no dig sites will appear for that character in Outland or Northrend until he reaches a minimum level for the zones. Sites are race specific. You can usually guess the race by the location. Some race locations are only available on some continents.

You need both a minimum character level and a minimum archaeology level to use some sites. Each digsite can be searched 6 times before it despawns and a new site spawns. To search a digsite, use the [Survey] ability. The Survey tool will spawn and point in the approximate direction of the artifact. The Survey tool spawns beside you on the ground and looks like a telescope on a tripod. Walk in the direction that the telescope is pointing, and use Survey again. Repeat doing this until a lootable object appears.

The telescope points roughly to the artifact, the closer you are, the more accurate the direction. Beside it is a rod with a light on the top. A red light reading also has the worst accuracy - it is usually best to take several readings to determine the direction. When the green light begins blinking, you are usually within just a few steps of the artifact. When you discover your find, you'll get fragments specific to a particular race.

Note that any race can hunt any other race's artifacts. You are not limited to just yours. There are two main strategies to surveying. You can attempt to triangulate by moving around the outer edge of a digsite.

Other people orienteer , simply heading off in the direction indicated until they strike paydirt. When you have picked up your artifact, be sure to Survey again in that exact spot. Sometimes the artifact will spawn again in the same place.

This section concerns content exclusive to Legion. Starting in Legion, when a character is very close to an artifact, a glow with a shovel handle will appear above their head. If they use the [Survey] ability, the lootable object should appear nearby. For each race in archaeology with the exception of Fossil keystones exist that can be randomly looted when searching for fragments.

Any fragments that go over the amount needed to complete the current artifact will carry over to the next puzzle. It is worth noting that keystones are not bind-on-pickup, and as such can be sold on the auction house or passed to other characters if you do not need them for your own archaeology. At this point you can start to receive fragments for the epic level artifacts. Stay in Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms since they require less fragments per artifact on average. Use any means of faster traveling you can.

If your hearth is down, purchase or make some Potion of Deepholm and use the portal from there to Org. DoubleDizle is an avid gamer, and enjoys helping out fellow gamers with tips and tricks. Follow him on his new Twitch Channel! Theme by HB-Themes. Tags: world of warcraft world of warcraft professions world of warcraft: cataclysm. About DoubleDizle DoubleDizle is an avid gamer, and enjoys helping out fellow gamers with tips and tricks.

Hopefully it's a wee bit easier to understand. Post by Br0tha Anyway, Archeology is a "secondary" profession, meaning everyone can have it and it doesn't take the place of your two "primary" profession. If you end up buying cata, you still can have like, blacksmith, mining AND acheology. Just making sure you know that. Post by felhunter well if you put it like:Hypothetically, even if he could get archaeology without Cataclysm, he's be stuck because most digs are in places over level Post by Woodrun You need to be level 20 to learn Archaeology, and have Cataclysm as others have noted.

Comment by Yenoren This "guide" is more like an information than a guide. To make this an actual guide, I'd say that you need to add some pictures and some more specific where-about. Comment by jack99 I noticed an error in the Troll artifact section, you neglected to mention the rare pet Voodoo Figurine, along with the rare item Haunted War Drums. Comment by Can night elf warlock do this profession because for some reason it won't let me. I had to reread certain parts, because of the mispellings and grammatical issues.

Also as mentioned, please include more details. Comment by lucetak You mention using keystones for dailies. At what stage do they start and where would we find them, please? Comment by Great overview.

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