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Editors' Choice. Today Downloads. Strategy » Battle Nations. Battle Nations. Join forces with a motley band of heroes and miscreants, and experience a dramatic, wartime story. Gather a powerful army of troops, tanks and mercenaries.

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About This Game Holdfast: Nations At War is an online multiplayer first and third person shooter focusing on a combination of teamwork and individual skill.

Take part in historic clashes on land and at sea waged by the most powerful nations during the great Napoleonic Era. Fight On Multiple Fronts Enlist in the Army Work with your comrades to storm enemy fortifications or support the fight from the rear with artillery fire. Keep the line steady in open field battles and lead your men to victory. Raise the sails, launch rowboats, fire the cannons and cooperate to keep your vessel afloat.

Join the Coast Guard Fend off naval vessels and marine-filled rowboats with chain, round and grape shot as they attempt to capture your fortified position. Guard the shoreline to the last man standing and repel the invader. Battlefield Roles Steadfast men in the ranks and take lead as an officer, fire devastating musket volleys while standing shoulder to shoulder, support the fight from the rear with artillery, construct defences or boldly charge with bayonet equipped.

A grand selection of 21 classes to play with. Ride To Glory Ride into battle with your trusty steed and engage the enemy with swords, pistols and carbines from horseback. Mounted Hussar, Cuirassier and Dragoon classes quickly traverse the field of battle.

Iron mines are the first most important building you want to get. Iron is your most important resource you need at the start and because of this you need the iron mine very soon.

You unlock the mine at level 8 and should build one right away. After it is finished you should upgrade it as soon as possible to level 3. You need iron for almost everything at the start, for buildings, for units and for healing bills.

While you get some iron from your supply drop this is not enough to sustain all your costs. Logging Camps are unlocked right after the iron mines, at level 9. They are, besides stone, your key resource for buildings and upgrades.

After you have unlocked it, you should upgrade it to level 3 as soon as possible, if you can, try to reach 4. At the late level of 14 you will unlock the oil pump. At this level you will already have a shortage of oil that you need very badly since you own some vehicles but have no oil production.

Upgrade your oil pump, as with all resource buildings, to level 3 or 4 to get enough for your army. At a certain point in the game you will not have enough room to keep all the resources you need to build and upgrade your buildings.

Because of this you need more storage. The first storage you can build is the small warehouse at level 7. At this point you already need it. The tricky part about storages is, that they need the largest amount of workers from all buildings.

A small warehouse needs 8 workers to run, so that's the reason why you should not waste your workers on defensive buildings and an endless amount of shops. Build at least one warehouse at level 7, better would be two if you can afford this. With a resource cap of you should do fine for some time.

If you didn't build two warehouses at level 7, build a second one at level 8 or 9. There is also a trick about storages to save workers. At level 18 you unlock the next better warehouse. While it has the same amount of 8 workers it gives you a larger resource cap as the small warehouse and because of this it is wise to replace the old warehouses instead of building extra ones. This means that you build a normal warehouse and after it is finished you destroy a small one.

With this method you gain a larger storage but keep the same amount of workers! Of course resources are not the only important stuff you need, you also need gold and xp to level up. While you get some gold from your houses this will not be enough over on a long run, so you should build some shops.

Shops have their own tab in the bottom left corner of the building menu. The first shop that you can build at the start is a farm which produces crops. Since the farm needs only 3 seconds to build you should build it right after the tutorial. Shops produce over a certain amount of time goods that will give you experience points and gold.

They are your main source of money and experience. Another important fact about shops and goods are currently desired goods. Every shop has a daily desires good which is marked with a blue arrow instead the normal green one.

These goods generate more xp and gold than normally, so try to produce them first. Keep also in mind that you need to invest some gold first to produce goods. Sometimes you need to produce goods for missions, produce these first because the missions themselves give you a good xp bonus. A common mistake from new players is to build more than one shop from the same type.

While this seems to be a good idea to generate more gold and xp at the same time you should realize that extra shops will also take more workers that you could have used for more important stuff like new resource buildings.

You don't need more than one shop of the same type, so for example if you have a farm you don't need another farm. Instead build a tool shop or a bakery. Also remember this picture. There exist different types of goods, farms produce for example agriculture.

The bar under the population states, what your current workers "want". Actually this is misleading, exactly it shows how many goods the workers can still take. Of the bar goes too much down the workers don't need any more agriculture products and you will get only very little from produced goods of this type. So having a lot of shops from the same type can lead you to get less than you actually wanted because your workers are well fed.

This bar goes up again after some time but every time you produce something it will go down again. To maintain your army you need more than resources and goods, you need to train and to heal them. There exist currently two types of healing buildings, hospitals and repair bays. The hospital should have been built right after the tutorial.

It can heal your infantry like soldiers, grenadiers and arsonists. The repair bay is unlocked at level 5 and it heals all your vehicles like tanks and artillery. When you unlock the repair bay you don't need it at the current time because you don't own any vehicles, you still should build it because you will soon get vehicles. Healing costs you some amount of the resources that you have spent to build the damaged unit but it still is less than building a new unit, so first heal your old units before you create new.

Healing takes also some time, some units more, some units less, the better the unit the more time it takes to heal. Like every other building you can upgrade these healing buildings. Upgrading them decreases the amount of resources that you need to heal the desired units. After the building has reached level 6 it will also decrease the time to heal units. Also higher levels give queue slots to put more units at the same time in the healing building. But keep in mind, while they are in the queue they are still healed after another and not at the same time.

Recruiting buildings are your source of units, the first one you can built are the barracks. The barracks let you build infantry which means soldiers. At first you can only recruit troopers and grenadiers but if you level up you unlock new types of soldiers to recruit. The barracks is an unique building because it has 15 levels instead of Upgrading it will reduce the amount of time to recruit new soldiers, after it has reached level 10 it will also reduce the recruiting costs.

After you have reached level 10 you can build the vehicle factory which let you, like the name suggests, build vehicles. After you have unlocked it will be your main source of new units because vehicles are in the most cases superior to soldiers. It works the same way as the barracks and has 15 levels instead of 10 and each upgrade reduces the building time.

There are also bonus types of recruiting buildings. These buildings let you recruit special factions that you would generally fight in the game. The first one is the animal trainer at level 10 which let's you recruit animals.

Animals are at that time stronger than most of your soldiers but they will be outdated in the late game. Still you are encouraged to recruit some of them because they have strong attacks and can be very helpful for multiple levels. Animals will cost you teeth to recruit and heal which you can get when you defeat wild animals.

At level 14 you will unlock the raider training camp that let's you build your own raiders. These aren't that great but like the animals they are helpful at the point where you unlock them, so use them to increase your army. Raiders need skulls which you can get from enemy raiders.

There are a lot more to discover but they are revealed very late in the game and you don't know about them currently. Besides recruiting buildings there are also weapon facilities, that unlock new weapon types. These new weapon types are than unlocked as new units in your recruitment buildings. While you don't have to build them, they unlock some powerful units that you don't want to miss. Weapon facilities are not upgradable and produce nothing, the only reason to build them is to be able to build certain units.

If you sell the facilities you will lock again the units, so don't do it. There is one weapon facility that costs nanopods and the game gives you a mission that you should build it. I recommend not to build it because you will only unlock more nanopod units that are not even worth their price. This is the weapons factory. Very early in the game you will realize that your workers are not enough anymore and you have to build new houses. Houses generate workers instantly , gold and xp over time.

The first houses you can build are shelters and camps. They are built very fast but provide very little gold and workers and no xp at all. You can also build the hovel, which is more costly but provides more workers, gold and even xp.

There are a LOT houses that will cost nanopods and you will at some point even get a mission that forces you to buy one called bunkhouse. Don't do it, don't buy ever a nanopod house. The best house without nanopods is better than most of the nanopods houses but it is unlocked at the max level. Still you don't need any nanopod houses before, so never invest nanopods in them. Always try to get the maximum out of your population, if you reach a new level, start building new houses first.

This should always be the first step at a new level. Decorations are a special type of buildings that has no upgrades and need no workers. Some of them have no use other than looking good on your base but some add a bonus to other building. Either a gold-bonus, a XP-bonus or a resources-bonus. Use this to boost your shops, houses our mines. Bonus decoration will have a limit how much of them you can put next to a single building. Flowers are one of the first bonus decorations you have access to.

Bonus decorations are divided in different types. Flowers are one type but you can mix different types for a bigger bonus. To maximize the effect you should try to build your buildings around bonus decorations to get a lot of buildings at the same time in the effect radius.

A very useful decoration is the ancient remains that are hidden in the north-east of your outpost behind some trees. While you start out with several units in the game you have to build a lot more to get a really army. There exist different types of units like infantry, animals and vehicles. Certain units are better against other units that you will face in battle, experimenting out is the key to find the best strategy against your enemies.

Units have a variety of stats which are sadly not explained in the game. HP are the backbone of your units. They show how much health they have. If the HP of a units drops to zero the units is defeated. Armor is a bonus amount of health on your units. Most armor has some resistance against certain attacks, so they receive less damage from some attacks.

Attacks will first target the armor before they target the HP of a unit. There are also units that penetrates armor and so will deal full damage to the hp.

If they hp drops to zero the unit will still die even if there is some armor left. Bravery is a special stat that prevents units from suppression. Suppression is a status effect that decreases the offense of a unit and therefore will less often hit an enemy. Bravery decreases the chance to get suppression.

Some units have bravery and are because of this immune to suppression. Dodge is a stat that increases the chance to dodge enemy attacks so the unit will not receive damage.

Dodge is invisible to the player but the player can sometimes observe an increase in dodge when a unit leveled up. Defense is another value that affects damage. If the defense value is high enough there is a chance for a block that reduces the amount of damage significantly.

So targets with a high defense value will reduce the damage received more often as units with a low defense value. Resistances are values that reduce the damage of certain damage types about some percent. A common example for a weakness is the fire weakness that animals have. Offense is the value how precise a unit shoots.

The higher the offense is the more unlikely a dodge or a block can appear. Power is the value that affects the amount of damage this unit deals. A higher power means stronger attacks. In Battle Nations exists also 5 different types of damage.

These damage types can be reduced or increased by resistances and weaknesses. Crushing is mostly melee damage or damage from blunt weapons. Piercing damage is the most common type of damage and resembles bullets.

Fire damage is a special form of damage that deals most of the time damage over time but not always. Animals have a weakness against fire. Chemical weapons count also as fire damage.

Explosion is a strong damage type which most units don't have a resistance against. Explosion damage resembles grenades and huge cannons like from artillery and tanks. Cold Damage is currently the rarest damage type that exists, actually only one unit exists that use this damage type. Because of this it is very unlikely that you will face this damage. Cold damage is very powerful because there exist almost no units that have a resistance against it.

In the future will probably more units that use this type, until then you don' have to worry much about it. A new damage type introduced with the Naval Patch. Depth charges can only target naval units and are very effective against submarines. Depth charges are sea mines and bombs.

Torpedos have been introduced with depth charges in the Naval update. They can only target naval units and are very effective against bigger ships like battleships. They resemble, well, torpedos. Currently only submarines can fire torpedos. Also units have their own ranking system. Skill points sp are distributed to units that have fight and won in a battle. Every unit in the battle receive sp.

If a unit has gathered enough sp you can rank them up. Ranking costs resources and time and you can only rank one unit at the same time but after the ranking is finished the unit get better stats like more hp, offense, power and more. The amount of stats an unit gets differs from unit to unit. You can see sp like typical xp in a roleplaying game.

Ranking units is very important and players should always seek to rank their units first before they try their luck against stronger enemies. Ranks are most of the time from but it exists also special units that exceed the limit of rank 6 and can rank up to rank 9.

These units are most of the time stronger than normal units and can be obtained from boss strikes. It is very important to know which unit is useful in which situation, so in this section I will show you all units from the barracks up to level The Trooper is the basic unit of Battle Nations.

It has no special abilities that will make him standing more out of other units. He is a cheap, quick building unit that you can never have enough of it.

While his strength is not as high as other units he is very useful for occupations or spamming in battles. Also a good meat shield. They can unlock a new attack at rank 4 that let's them attack twice in the same round but costs 10 nanopods to research.

This attack is useful to deal more damage with a single trooper. The Shock Trooper is the first purchasable premium unit and costs 4 nanopods. For a nanopod unit it is very cheap.

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